Changing the shipping charges for a contract (Enterprise)

To change the shipping charges for an account or a contract:

  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
  2. Select Sales > Accounts.
    The Accounts list displays, containing business accounts currently defined for the selected store. If you do not see this menu, then your logon ID does not have the appropriate authority to perform this task. Contact your Site Administrator.
  3. Select the check box to the left of the business account that has the contract you want to change and click Contracts. The Contracts list displays, containing contracts currently defined for the selected business account.
  4. Select the check box to the left of the contract that you want to change. Click Change. This will launch the Contract notebook.
  5. Expand Shipping > Adjustments.
  6. Right-click the catalog tree entry (that is, catalog, category, or product) for which you want to set the shipping charge adjustment and select Set Adjustment.

  7. The Set Adjustment menu displays, and do the following:

    1. Specify the shipping mode as follows:
      • Select All shipping modes to apply this shipping charge adjustment to all shipping modes for this account or contract. A shipping mode is the combination of the shipping carrier (the company that provides shipping services from a fulfillment center to a customer) and the shipping service offered by that carrier. For example, XYZ Courier, Overnight service is a shipping mode.
      • Select Shipping policy for account_or_contract_name to apply this shipping charge adjustment to a specific shipping policy specified for the account or contract.
    2. In the Amount field, type the amount of the shipping charge adjustment. For example, for a 10 percent discount type 10.
    3. In the Type field, select the type of adjustment: a fixed price (such as a 10 USD discount), percentage markdown (such as a 10% discount), and percentage markup (such as 10% increase).
  8. Click OK to save the updated contract and close the notebook.