Step 2: Importing and exporting a contract using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
The easiest way to import and export contracts is through the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Although, some functionality of contracts cannot be implemented in this way. In those cases it would be necessary to import and export contracts using the XML files directly, as discussed in the next step of this tutorial.
Export a contract
Follow these steps to export a contract using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:
- Open the WebSphere Commerce Development environment
- Click Start> Programs > IBM WebSphere Commerce Developer Professional/Business/Express Edition > WebSphere Commerce development environment
- Open the Servers view (Window > Show View > Servers)
- Start WebSphere Commerce Test Server.
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Open a Web browser
- Type the following link into the Web browser:
https://host_name/webapp/wcs/tools/servlet/ToolsLogon?XMLFile=common.mcLogon where host_name is the fully-qualified WebSphere Commerce development environment Web server host name. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server.
- Enter your WebSphere Commerce user name and password. The default user name and password are both wcsadmin
- Load the AdvancedB2BDirect store
- Click AdvancedB2BDirect in the Store name list
- Select the language you want to work in by selecting it in the Language to work in drop down box
- Click OK
- Click the Sales menu and select Accounts
- Put a check next to the name of the organization to which you are trying to export a contract from
- Click the Contracts button on the right hand side of the page
- Put a check next to the contract that you want to export
- Click the Export button on the right hand side of the page
- Enter a name for the contract in the Filename (required) text input box, followed by .xml, and click OK
Note: To specify the directory to export the contract to, type the full directory name in the Filename (required) text input box.
The contract has now been exported. If you specified a directory in the Filename (required) text input box, then the contract has been exported to that directory. If you did not enter a directory then the contract is exported to the default directory, which is WC_eardir\xml\trading\xml.
Import a contract
Follow these steps to import a contract using the Commerce Accelerator:
- Perform steps 1 through 8 of the export a contract section above.
- Click the Import button
- Click the Browse... button next to the XML File (required) text input box
- When the Choose file dialog displays, browse to the XML file that defines the contract you want to import
- Click Open
- Click Import
You have now imported a contract into the organization you selected, using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
In the next step of this tutorial, you will learn how to import and export contracts using the XML files that define those contracts.
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