Using a payment plug-in provided in WebSphere Commerce
After WebSphere Commerce is installed and a WebSphere Commerce instance is created, the following payment plug-ins are already installed:
- SimpleOffline plug-in
- Line of credit (LOC) plug-in
- WC Payments Cassette plug-in
The JAR files (EJB modules) for the plug-ins are already available in the following directory:
The corresponding payment plug-in descriptor file for each EJB module is already available in the XML directory for the instance. For example, on an AIX platform, the descriptor for the SimpleOffline plug-in is found in the following location: WC_eardir/xml/config/ payments/ppc/plugins/SimpleOffline/PluginDeployment.xml.
To use one or more of these plug-ins already provided:
- Follow instructions in Configure payment plug-ins for Payment Rules. The payment system name should map to a payment plug-in in the PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml file. The payment system name should be reflected in the PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml and RefundMethodConfigurations.xml files.
- Ensure that any remaining Payment Rules configuration rules are configured.
- Restart WebSphere Commerce or refresh the registry of "EDPRegistry" and "PPCRegistry" in site administration console to begin using the payment plug-in.
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