Using a payment plug-in provided in WebSphere Commerce

After WebSphere Commerce is installed and a WebSphere Commerce instance is created, the following payment plug-ins are already installed:

The JAR files (EJB modules) for the plug-ins are already available in the following directory:

The corresponding payment plug-in descriptor file for each EJB module is already available in the XML directory for the instance. For example, on an AIX platform, the descriptor for the SimpleOffline plug-in is found in the following location: WC_eardir/xml/config/ payments/ppc/plugins/SimpleOffline/PluginDeployment.xml.


To use one or more of these plug-ins already provided:

  1. Follow instructions in Configure payment plug-ins for Payment Rules. The payment system name should map to a payment plug-in in the PaymentSystemPluginMapping.xml file. The payment system name should be reflected in the PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml and RefundMethodConfigurations.xml files.
  2. Ensure that any remaining Payment Rules configuration rules are configured.
  3. Restart WebSphere Commerce or refresh the registry of "EDPRegistry" and "PPCRegistry" in site administration console to begin using the payment plug-in.