Configure XML files for Payment Rules processing

Before configuring XML files, you should already know:

A set of the XML files configure to establish Payment Rules, is provided in subdirectories under the following path:

To configure the PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml file and RefundMethodConfigurations.xml file:

  1. Follow instructions in Configure payment methods to configure the payment methods you will use. The XML file you will configure is the PaymentMethodConfigurations.xml.
  2. Follow instructions in Configure refund methods to configure the refund methods you will use. The XML file you will configure is the RefundMethodConfigurations.xml.

Another XML file, PaymentRules.xml is used with the overall configuration but you are not expected to modify the PaymentRules.xml file. This is a read-only file. The PaymentRules.xml file provides a list of the payment and refund rules that are considered valid by the system and available for your use. For that reason, only one PaymentRules.xml file is used by all payment configurations.

Currently, refund rules are not configurable; only refund methods are configurable.