Defining a payment configuration for Payment Rules

Before a store can take advantage of Payment Rules processing, it must have an association with one or more payment configurations. A payment configuration is a set of XML files that is associated with a specific payment method. For example, if your store will accept checks, cash on delivery, and two brands of credit cards, four payment configurations are required. (In this case, four are required but you could define additional payment configuration if desired.) The payment configurations are defined in PaymentMethodConfigurations XML file. Payment configuration ID is an identifier for a group of payment configurations for different payment methods. The same payment method can have different payment configurations in different payment configurations group identified by different payment configuration ID. For more information about these IDs, see the topic Payment configuration IDs.

Different stores can use the same payment configuration IDs. For example, if two stores use identical payment method configurations, they can both be associated with the same configuration IDs. The payment rule used by the payment methods will be same for both stores if the same configuration ID is used.

Payment configurations are already provided in WebSphere Commerce for supported payment methods with the default payment configuration ID "default". You can select one or more of these configurations for use. You can also change them, delete them, or add new ones. You even can create new payment configuration ID for a new group of payment configurations. Regardless of which configurations you choose, ensure that the payment configuration ID which includes the configuration is associated with the store.