Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance
WebSphere Commerce Payments is an optional component of WebSphere Commerce, however some of the starter stores provided with WebSphere Commerce require WebSphere Commerce Payments.
Before you create or modify an instance with Configuration Manager, complete the tasks as mentioned in before you create or modify an instance with configuration manager.
You should only change WebSphere Commerce Payments ports through the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager and not through the WAS Administrative Console. This ensures that all properties and files are updated with the same information.
Considerations when creating a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance
Important consideration for DBCS usersWhen creating a new WebSphere Commerce Payments instance, ensure that you start the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager under a user profile that has the required CCSID for the language in which you want your instance created. Valid CCSIDs are listed in Creating an OS/400 or i5/OS user profile.
For example, a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance might not be created with a CCSID of 5026 (CRTPYMMGR CCSID(5026)), but the instance can be created and run on a system where the CCSID *SYSVAL is 5026.
Before creating a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance under a different WAS instance, stop and then restart the Configuration Manager server and client..
Although the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager client can be installed on more than one Windows system, creating a WebSphere Commerce instance or WebSphere Commerce Payments instance must be limited to one PC at any given time. Attempting to create instances from two or more systems at the same time is not supported.
Create a new WebSphere Commerce Payments instance
- If you just created a WebSphere Commerce instance in Configuration Manager, it is required to restart the Configuration Manager before you go on to create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance.
- It is required to specify a non-existing WAS profile name for the new payments instance in the instance creation wizard.
- If you use IBM HTTP Server, WebSphere Commerce modifies the Web server configuration file whenever you do any of the following tasks:
- Create a WebSphere Commerce instance.
- Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance.
- Update information in the Web server panel in Configuration Manager for an existing instance.
These changes are marked by the following text:
IBM WebSphere Commerce (Do not edit this section) or IBM WebSphere Payments (Do not edit this section)
Customized changes within these sections are not supported by WebSphere Commerce as any changes made within these sections might be overwritten at any time by WebSphere Commerce configuration tools such as Configuration Manager.
To create a new WebSphere Commerce Payments instance:
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager. In cases where WebSphere Commerce Payments is on a separate node from WebSphere Commerce, ensure that the Configuration Manager server on the WebSphere Commerce Payments node is started.
- Select WebSphere Commerce > hostname > Payments and right-click Instance List.
- From the pop-up menu, select Create Payments Instance. The Payments Instance Creation wizard starts.
- Complete the Payments instance creation wizard information.
- When completing the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance creation wizard, ensure that the value you enter in the Site Admin ID field is the WebSphere Commerce Site Administrator ID.
- When completing the information on WCSRealm panel, ensure that you enter the fully qualified host name for the WebSphere Commerce Web server in the Commerce Web server Hostname field. If you are using a separate Web server for WebSphere Commerce Payments, ensure that you do not enter the host name of the Web server you are using for WebSphere Commerce Payments, enter the name of the Web server for WebSphere Commerce.
- When you have completed all the necessary information in all the panels, the Finish button is enabled. Click Finish to create the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance.
- Depending on your database, you will be prompted about the following information:
You are asked if you want to populate the Oracle database. Select "Yes" if you want your database to be populated, or "No" if you do not want your database to be populated.
If you choose to use an existing DB2 database, you are asked if you want to populate the database. Select "Yes" if you want your database to be populated, or "No" if you do not want your database to be populated.
The time required to create an instance depends on the speed of your system. The progress bar that displays when you start creating the instance will indicate when the process has finished.
- When instance creation is complete, a dialog box appears containing a summary. Click OK to close the dialog box. Ensure that you review contents of the dialog. It might contain additional instructions perform before using the instance.
- Exit Configuration Manager by clicking on Console and Exit.
- Verify the creation of the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance by following the instructions in Verifying the instance creation.
- Continue by following the instructions in Mandatory post-instance creation tasks. You must complete the following instructions for WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments to function correctly.
Mandatory post-instance creation tasks
Depending on your WebSphere Commerce topology, perform the tasks in the following sections after creating WebSphere Commerce Payments instances:
If you are using Microsoft IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0:
- Perform Microsoft IIS 5.0 or IIS 6.0 tasks.
- If you have a remote Web server, perform the tasks in Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks.
If you are using Sun Java System Web Server V6.1.1:
- Perform Sun Java System Web Server V6.1.1 tasks.
- If you have a remote Web server, perform the tasks in Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks.
If you are using any other supported Web server:
- If you have a remote Web server, perform the tasks in Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks.
IBM HTTP Server v6 tasks
During the instance creation process, WebSphere Commerce creates and stores the IBM HTTP Server configuration information in the following location: WC_installdir/instances/instance/conf
The Configuration Manager also creates a Windows service named IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Commerce Payments (instance). By default WebSphere Commerce configures the WAS plug-in to use SSL. This SSL configuration used the self-signed certificate that is shipped with WebSphere Commerce.
Also, ensure the plug-in has been applied to the
WC_installdir/instances/instance/conf/httpd.conf file.
The following lines should exist in the httpd.conf file:
LoadModule was_ap20_module WAS_plug-in_installdir/bin/ mod_was_ap20_http.dll WebSpherePluginConfig WAS_installdir/profiles/WAS_WPM_profile_Name/config/cells/ WPM_instance_cell/nodes/webservername_node/servers/webservername/ plugin-cfg.xml;
These lines might not appear together - you might have to perform a text search on the file to confirm the presence of these lines. If these lines are missing, add them to the end of the file and restart the Web server.
To verify that the configuration file has been updated properly...
- Start your Web server as described in Start and stopping the IBM HTTP Server .
- Stop your Web server as described in Start and stopping the IBM HTTP Server. If you have a remote Web server, perform the tasks in Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks.
Start and stopping the IBM HTTP Server
To start your IBM HTTP Server...
- Start your Web server: Run the following command:HTTPServer_installdir/bin/apachectl -f WPM_installdir/instances/instance /conf/httpd.conf
- Stop your Web server: Run the following command:HTTPServer_installdir/bin/apachectl -k stop -f WPM_installdir/instances/instance /conf/httpd.conf
Microsoft IIS 5.0 and IIS 6.0 tasks
WebSphere Commerce supports Microsoft IIS V5.0 with security patch Q327696 on Windows 2000 and Microsoft IIS v6 on Windows Server 2003. However, Microsoft IIS v6 is supported only in Microsoft IIS V5.0 isolation mode. To download the appropriate security patch, refer to the Microsoft Web site:
(If you plan to use WebSphere Commerce Payments, configure an additional Web site within the IIS. The plugin-cfg.xml entries for both WebSphere Commerce Payments and WebSphere Commerce cannot be associated with the same Web site, as these plugin-cfg.xml files do not reside in the same directory. You must create another Web site that is specific to WebSphere Commerce Payments. Refer to the IIS documentation to create a new Web site for Payments.)
- Log into the WAS adminconsole.
- Navigate to the Servers -> Web servers -> webserver1, review the settings and correct them.
- Navigate to the Servers -> Web servers -> webserver1 -> Additional properties (Plug-in properties). Review the settings and correct them.
- Regenerate plugin-cfg.xml file.
- Update the IIS installation with all of the latest security patches available from Microsoft.
- Enable SSL on Microsoft IIS. For instructions on enabling SSL, refer to the Microsoft IIS product documentation.
- Add the following SSL ports to your Web server.
SSL communication port 5433 (The port numbers must be the same as those entered during the Payments instance creation.)
- Add the following non-SSL port to your Web server:
SSL communication port 5432 (The port number must be the same as those entered during the Payments instance creation.)
- Test your installation and configuration of IIS by opening a Web browser and going to the following URLs:
http://IISWebServer_hostname:5432 https://IISWebServer_hostname:5433 where IISWebServer_hostname is the fully qualified host name of the IIS machine.- Review the Web server settings with Configure Microsoft IIS to make sure everything is configured correctly.
- If the IIS is on a separate machine, follow the additional steps in the "Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks" section.
- Restart the IIS Admin Service from the Windows Services panel.
- Start the Web Site.
Sun Java System Web Server V6.1.1 tasks
WebSphere Commerce supports using Sun Java System Web Server (formerly Sun ONE Web Server, formerly iPlanet Web Server) Enterprise Edition V6.1 with Service Pack 1 (V6.1.1) as a Web server.
(If you plan to use WebSphere Commerce Payments, configure an additional server within the Sun Java System Web Server. The plugin-cfg.xml entries for both WebSphere Commerce Payments and WebSphere Commerce cannot be added to the same magnus.conf file, as these plugin-cfg.xml files do not reside in the same directory. You must create another magnus.conf file that is specific to WebSphere Commerce Payments. To create new magnus.conf file, add another server according to the Sun Java System Web Server documentation. While going through the following steps, refer to the sample Sun Java System Web Server configuration files located in the WC_install_dir/config/deployment/webserverconfig/Sun directory. )
- Log into the WAS adminconsole.
- Navigate to the Servers -> Web servers -> webserver1, review the settings and correct them.
- Navigate to the Servers -> Web servers -> webserver1 -> Additional properties (Plug-in properties). Review the settings and correct them.
- Regenerate plugin-cfg.xml file.
- Configure a Sun Java System Web Server trust database using the instructions provided by Sun.
- Install a secure certificate signed by a certifying authority, according to the Sun Java System Web Server documentation.
- Enable SSL using the instructions provided by Sun.
- Ensure that you create the following virtual servers following the instructions in the Sun Java System Web Server documentation: non-SSL communication on port 5432 SSL communication on port 5433
The port numbers must be the same as those entered during the Payments instance creation.
Ensure that you only create virtual servers for the required ports. Having a separate Web server for each required port will cause WebSphere Payments to function incorrectly.
- Test your installation and configuration of Sun Java System Web Server by opening a Web browser and going to the following URLs:
https://SunWebServer_hostname:5433 where SunWebServer_hostname is the fully qualified host name of the Sun Java System Web Server machine.- The magnus.conf is for a particular instance and must point to the instance's plugin-cfg.xml file. Modify the magnus.conf file for https-host_name as follows:
- If you use Sun Java System Web Server as a local Web server, add the following directives to the end of the magnus.conf file for https-host_name:
If these entries already exist in the magnus.conf file ensure that they conform to the following format. Init fn="load-modules" funcs="as_init,as_handler,as_term" shlib="WAS_Plug-indir/bin/" Init fn="as_init""WAS_WC_profiledir/config/cells/profile/nodes/webserver1_node/servers/webservername/plugin-cfg.xml"
- Review the Web server settings with Configure the Sun Java System Web Server to make sure everything is configured correctly.
- By default, outside users can access any file that can be served up by Sun Java System Web Server. For security reasons, you should restrict access to Web directories. See Sun Java System Web Server documentation for information on restricting file and directory access. In addition, you should refer to the sample configuration files located in the WC_install_dir/config/deployment/webserverconfig/Sun directory to review the security settings.
- If the Sun Java System Web Server is on a separate machine, follow the additional steps in the Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks section.
- Restart the Sun Java System Web Server.
To use non-SSL for Payment Instance
- Open the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager. See Opening the Configuration Manager
- Expand WebSphere Commerce > node > Payments > Instance List > payments_instance > Instance Properties > Web server
- Uncheck "Use SSL".
- Expand WebSphere Commerce > node > Commerce > Instance List > WC_instance > Instance Properties > Payments
- Check "Use non-SSL Payments Client".
Configure Commerce instance to connect to Payment instance
- Open the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager.
- Select WebSphere Commerce > hostname > Commerce > Instance List > instance > Instance Properties and click Payments.
- Verify the value filled in for the "Web server Hostname" field is the fully qualified hostname of the machine where WebSphere Commerce Payments is installed. If it is not, then update it. Complete any other necessary fields and click Apply. For help on completing the fields, click Help.
Remote Web server post-instance creation tasks
If the Web server is installed on a different node from WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments, do the following on the Web server node after creating a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance:
- Install the the WAS Web server plug-in.
- Ensure that you have enabled SSL on the Web server node.
- To propagate your plugin-cfg.xml to your remote machine, do one of the following:
- If you are using an IBM HTTP Server Web server, the plugin-cfg.xml has been propagated automatically to the Remote Configuration Directory that you specified on the Web server panel of the Payments instance creation wizard.
- For all other Web servers:
- Propagate the plug-in configuration file by manually copying the plugin-cfg.xml file from WAS_WPM_profiledir/config/cells/cell/nodes/node/servers/web_servername directory on your WebSphere Commerce Payments machine, to an arbitrary remote configuration directory on your Web server machine.
- Modify the Web server configuration to point to the plugin-cfg.xml in the remote configuration directory. ICON(Sun Java System Web Server). Modify the magnus.conf file for https-host_name as following: Init fn="as_init""remote_configuration_directory/plugin-cfg.xml" ICON(IIS). Modify the plugin-cfg.loc file as following:remote_configuration_directory/plugin-cfg.xml
- Stop and restart the Web server.
If you are using Microsoft IIS, stop and restart all Microsoft IIS related services and applications. See Microsoft IIS documentation for instructions on how to stop and start these services and servers.
Verifying the instance creation
The configuration information for the new WebSphere Commerce Payments instance is stored in the following file:
WC_userdir\instances\payments_instance\xml\payments_instancewhere payments_instance is the name of WebSphere Commerce Payments instance.
Confirm that this file exists before checking the log files produced during instance creation.
Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance produces log files in the following directory:
where payments_instance is the name of WebSphere Commerce Payments instance.
Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance produces the following log files:
Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance produces the following files in the
WC_installdir/logs directory
WC_userdir/logs directory:
- Configurator.1.log This log file will be required by IBM support if there was a problem with the Payments instance creation.
- WCSconfig.log
Create a WebSphere Commerce Payments instance will enable a user to logon to the payment server through http://payment manager hostname:5433/webapp/PaymentManager using the administrator username and password.
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