Opening the Configuration Manager on an i5/OS system
The Configuration Manager provides a graphical interface for configuring a WebSphere Commerce instance.
The Configuration Manager client is accessed using a machine running a Windows operating system, and is attached to the same network as the iSeries server. The iSeries machine on which the Configuration Manager server runs must have IBM Developer Kit for iSeries 400 (R), Java Technology Edition 1.3.1 (5722JV1 option 5) installed.
To open WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager:
- Ensure server1 is started successfully before modifying instance-specific properties in Configuration Manager. For more information refer to Start and stop WebSphere Commerce.
- Start the server by doing the following:
- Log on to the iSeries machine ensuring that the profile has a *SECOFR user class, and is set up with the language specific settings of either English, or the language that you will choose as the default language for your instance.
- Start a QShell session by entering the following command: STRQSH
- Switch to the WebSphere Commerce Server bin directory by issuing the following command: cd WC_installdir/bin
- Start the Configuration Manager server by issuing the following command [-port server_port_number]The -port parameter is optional. If you do not specify this parameter, the default port of 1099 is used. The Configuration Manager server will listen on this port number.
If the -port parameter is specified, the value must be between 1024 and 65535 and not currently in use on the iSeries system.
If you are using a system where your primary language is not the same as the language in which you are creating your instance, add the QSYSlanguage_feature_number library into your user profile's library list. Otherwise, the profile will try to locate it under QSYS. To add the language feature library, use the EDTLIBL command.
If this is the first time that Configuration Manager is run on the system, you will see the following messages/QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/lib/ConfigManager.jar /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/payments/wc.mpf.ear/lib/ibmjsse.jar /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/lib/Utilities.jar /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/lib/Enablement-BaseComponentsLogic.jar /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/lib/jtopen.jar /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/lib/xerces.jar /QIBM/ProdData/CommerceServer60/lib/
When you receive the following messages, proceed to the next stepRegistry created. CMServer bound in registry.- Start the Configuration Manager client by doing the following:
- Use a command prompt on the machine on which the Configuration Manager client is installed, change to the Configuration Manager directory.
- Start the Configuration Manager client by issuing the following command
configClient.bat -hostname iSeries_host_name [-port server_port_number]where:
- iSeries_host_name
- The fully qualified host name of the server. Ensure the host name is entered in the same letter case as specified in the CHGTCODMN command.
- server_port_number
- The port number on the iSeries server on which the Configuration Manager is listening. You only need to specify this value if the server is listening on a non-default port. The port parameter is optional but if it was specified in the command, it needs to be specified here.
- In the Configuration Authentication window, enter the Configuration Manager user ID and password and click OK.
When modifying one or more parameters in the Instance panel of a Payments instance in Configuration Manager, the HTTP server must be stopped.
Related Concepts
Configuration Manager
WebSphere Commerce configuration file