Payments administration

You can process and administer payments through the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, the Administration Console, and, if the WebSphere Commerce Payments component is used, through the WebSphere Commerce Payments user interface.

The WebSphere Commerce Accelerator provides menu options that launch specific payments pages.


WebSphere Commerce Payments

Customer Service Supervisors, Sellers, or Sales Managers (given that they have WebSphere Commerce Payments roles), Payments Administrators and Merchant Administrators can perform the following payment-related tasks:

Operational tasks:

The Administration Console includes links to all the administrative Payments functions. This is useful when you are setting up your store and want to configure the cassette for the store or assign the Payments Administrator role to the WebSphere Commerce Seller Administrator.

Administrators who have been assigned Payments access roles can access the WebSphere Commerce Payments user interface through one of these launch points in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator or the Administration Console. They will not need to log on a second time.

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