Disable the Management Center
If you no longer want to use the Management Center to manage your catalogs, promotions, and marketing, you can disable the feature. Note that if you disable the Management Center, some objects that you have created or updated using the Management Center may not work properly in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.Before you beginBefore you disable the Management Center, complete the following prerequisites:
Ensure that your administrative server is started. For example:
- If WebSphere Commerce is not managed by WAS Deployment Manager (dmgr), start the WAS server1.
- If WebSphere Commerce is managed by WAS Deployment Manager (dmgr), start the deployment manager and all node agents. Optionally, your cluster can also be started.
Ensure your test server is stopped and WebSphere Commerce Developer is closed.
About this taskTo disable the Management Center:
Ensure that you are logged on as a WebSphere Commerce non-root user.
- Navigate to the following directory:
- WC_installdir/bin
- Run the script to disable the Management Center:
config_ant.bat -buildfile WC_installdir/components/common/xml/disableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=instance -DfeatureName=management-center -DdbUserPassword=db_password
./config_ant.sh -buildfile WC_installdir/components/common/xml/disableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=instance -DfeatureName=management-center -DdbUserPassword=db_password
disableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=management-center
If the script runs successfully in the runtime environment, you see a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message in the command window where you ran the script. Otherwise, you will see a BUILD FAILED message. Refer to the following log file:
- WC_installdir/instances/instance/logs/disablemanagement-center_timestamp.log
If the script runs successfully in the development toolkit, you will see a disableFeature.bat completed message in the command window where you ran the script. Otherwise, you will see a disableFeature.bat FAILED message. Refer to the following log file:
- WCDE_installdir\logs\disableFeature.log
Republish the application:
- Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Project Explorer view.
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server.
- Right-click the test server in the Servers view and select Publish.
- Wait for the application to finish publishing and to restart.
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