Enabling starter store enhancements
To view and use the Feature Pack 3 and 4 starter store enhancements, first enable them. The enhancements can be managed only through the Management Center.Before you beginBefore you enable the starter store enhancements, complete the following prerequisites:
- Ensure that WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3 or 4 is installed.
- Ensure you have the Management Center feature enabled.
- Ensure that you have a store published.
About this task
The JSP files included with the Feature Pack 3 and 4 starter store enhancements are for use with the Marketing tool provided with the Management Center. The files are not supported for use with the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
To enable Feature Pack 3 and 4 starter store enhancements:
- Back up the files within this directory:
You will be copying files into this directory in a later step.
In Feature Pack 4, the files that are provided for the Attribute dictionary are used by all stores; each store uses different e-Marketing Spot files.
- Package and deploy the enhancements:
- Create a wc.ear/Stores.war/storedir directory anywhere on your file system, and place all the contents under the WC_installdir/component/component-services/samples/storedir directory into the new directory.
- Package these files for a partial application deployment.
- Deploy the package as a partial application into the current running WebSphere Commerce EAR. Refer to the Partial application section in Updating applications with the console, in the WAS Information Center for additional instructions.
Select Local File System for your path.
This process takes between ten and twenty minutes. During this time, the WAS Administrative console page might appear to be unresponsive. This is expected.
- Navigate to the WCDE_installdir\components\component-services\samples\ storedir directory.
- Copy all the files within this directory.
- Paste the copied files into the WC_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/ storedir directory.
To enable the Extended Sites and Demand Chain business models for eMarketing Spots in Feature Pack 4, place all the contents under the WC_installdir/component/component-services/samples/starterstores/marketing/storedir directory into the equivalent asset store directory. For example, for the B2BDirectStorefrontAssetStore from the Extended Sites model, copy the JSP files from the AdvancedB2BDirect folder. For the Attribute dictionary, place all the contents under the WC_installdir/component/component-services/samples/starterstores/catalog/SharedFiles directory into the new directory. To view changes in your starter stores, create data in the Management Center.
- Optional: This step is only applicable if you want to see sample Web activities in your starter store or load sample data into the store to view e-Marketing Spots and Attribute dictionary data without creating data from the Management Center:
- Navigate to this directory:
Copy the KidsApparel.sar file.
- Navigate to this directory:
Create a directory called sar.
- Copy the KidsApparel.sar file into the new sar directory.
- Publish the KidsApparel.sar file
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