Use the e-Marketing Spot JSP sample
You must update any e-Marketing Spot code on your storefront with a sample JSP snippet so that the e-Marketing Spots and the store work properly with the marketing engine included with this feature pack.About this task
The sample JSP snippet has been updated. To support the features included in this feature pack, make a copy of the sample JSP snippet, which is provided in the WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file that installs with the feature pack, and then paste the updated snippet into your existing e-Marketing Spot snippets. The sample JSP snippet is not store-specific.
If you have already Enabled the Management Center features for starter stores, the Web service e-Marketing Spot snippet is already updated and you do not need to do this task.
- Navigate to the components/component-services/samples/Snippets/web/Marketing/Campaigns directory.
- Copy the contents of the WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file. This file contains the updated sample JSP snippet; this file is provided only so that you can copy and paste its contents into your existing e-Marketing Spot snippets.
- Navigate to the include directory at the following location in your development environment:
WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/StoreDir/include/- Create a backup copy of the eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file.
- Replace the contents of the eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file with the contents you copied from the WebServiceeMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file in a previous step.
- Save the eMarketingSpotDisplay.jsp file with the updated code.
- Update any additional e-Marketing Spot snippets on your store pages. For example, some sample stores also include the StoreCatalogProductESpot.jsp file.
- Optional: To use the updated JSP files in a location other than the default (see step 3), you can update the TAGDISPLAY table for the "WS EMSpot Display" entry to point to the files using an SQL statement similar to the following example:
update tagdisplay set jsppath = 'include/eMarketingSpotDisplayCustom.jsp' where displayname = 'WS EMSpot Display'- Test the store to ensure that the updated e-Marketing Spot JSP code is working properly.
- Deploy all updated JSP files.