Sample promotionMigrationControlInfo XML file
The promotionMigrationControlInfo.xml file, also known as the Control Info configuration file, is used by the promotion migration utility to define migration options, the promotion code delimiter, and in case of customized promotions, the XSL template.The promotionMigrationControlInfo.xml file is located in the WC_installdir/components/component-services/subcomponents/promotion/migration/config directory. If the default version of this file does not meet your needs, do not modify the default. Instead, copy and rename the default file, make the required changes to the renamed file, and then call the renamed file when you run the promotion migration utility.
The Control Info configuration file serves the following four purposes:
- It specifies whether the promotions of a particular promotion type are migrated completely or partially. A complete migration takes the runtime promotion XML from the PX_PROMOTION table, and using the mapped XSL file, transforms it to XML containing only the data used to populate the PX_PROMOAUTH, PX_ELEMENT, PX_ELEMENTNVP, PX_DESCRIPTION, and if required, the PX_PROMOCD tables in the underlying database.
In contrast, a partial migration takes the runtime promotion XML from the PX_PROMOTION table, and using the mapped XSL file, transforms it to XML containing only the data used to populate the PX_PROMOAUTH, PX_DESCRIPTION, and PX_PROMOCD tables.
- It specifies the mapping of customized promotion types to their customized XSL template files. This enables you to migrate any promotions built on custom promotion types. You must define your own XSL template files to perform the transformation process of the runtime promotion XML into the intermediate XML file required for data population of the tables. For a sample XSL template, see Sample OrderLevelPercentOff XSL template.
- It specifies the delimiter for the promotion codes. The default value is ‘|’. If a promotion code string does not have a delimiter separating different promotion codes, or if the wrong delimiter is specified, the migration utility ignores the delimiter and saves the code to the PX_PROMOCD table as is.
- It provides a special control parameter to choose a partial or complete migration for promotions that:
- Are order-level promotions of type OrderLevelFreeGift, OrderLevelPercentDiscount, OrderLevelValueDiscount or OrderLevelFixedShippingDiscount that are created in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
- Have the exclusivity option "Can not be combined with product promotions" selected in the "Combination with other promotions" field in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator user interface
This "Can not be combined with product promotions" exclusivity option is not supported in the Management Center for Feature Pack 4.
The control parameter in the promotionMigrationControlInfo.xml is the <PromotionExclusivityCannotCombineWithProductPromotionsMigrationType> element.
The following sample illustrates the default promotionMigrationControlInfo.xml file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <PromotionMigration> <PromotionMigrationOption> <PromotionCodeDelimiter>|</PromotionCodeDelimiter> <PromotionExclusivityCannotCombineWithProductPromotionsMigrationType> Partial </PromotionExclusivityCannotCombineWithProductPromotionsMigrationType> <PromotionSelect> <PromotionType>OrderLevelFreeGift</PromotionType> <MigrationType>Complete</MigrationType> </PromotionSelect> <PromotionSelect> <PromotionType>OrderLevelFixedShippingDiscount</PromotionType> <MigrationType>Complete</MigrationType> </PromotionSelect> <PromotionSelect> <PromotionType>CategoryLevelBuyXGetYFree</PromotionType> <MigrationType>Complete</MigrationType> </PromotionSelect> <PromotionSelect> <PromotionType>CategoryLevelSameItemPercentDiscount</PromotionType> <MigrationType>Complete</MigrationType> </PromotionSelect> <PromotionSelect> <PromotionType>ItemLevelBuyXGetYFree</PromotionType> <MigrationType>Complete</MigrationType> </PromotionSelect> <PromotionSelect> <PromotionType>ItemLevelValueDiscount</PromotionType> <MigrationType>Complete</MigrationType> </PromotionSelect> </PromotionMigrationOption> <PromotionMigrationTemplates> </PromotionMigrationTemplates> </PromotionMigration>Related concepts