Install the data bean to XMLGenerator

The XMLGenerator takes an already populated WebSphere Commerce data bean and prints out an XML file based on it. Since the XMLGenerator is going to print out an XML file based on real WebSphere Commerce data, you must install it into your WebSphere Commerce workspace.

To set up the XMLGenerator tool:

  1. Navigate to the WCDE_installdir\samples\PreviewTools\DatabeanToXML directory.

  2. Copy the DataBeanToXML.jar file to the WCDE_installdir\workspace\Stores\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib directory.

  3. Copy all of the JSP files from the jsp subdirectory to the WCDE_installdir\workspace\Stores\WebContent directory.

  4. Copy all of the properties files from the jsp subdirectory to the WCDE_installdir\workspace\Stores\Java Resources\JavaSource directory.

  5. Copy the DatabeanToXMLViewsACPolicy.xml file from the xml subdirectory to the WCDE_installdir\xml\policies\xml directory.

  6. Copy the DatabeanToXMLRegistry.xml file from the xml subdirectory to the WCDE_installdir\schema\xml directory.

  7. Start a command prompt session.

  8. Change to the bin directory.

  9. Run the acpload utility:

    • AIX|Linux|Solaris|I5/OS|Windows:

      database_name database_user database_user_password DatabeanToXMLViewsACPolicy.xml schema_name

    • acpload DatabeanToXMLViewsACPolicy.xml

  10. Run the massload utility:

    • I5/OS|(DB2) (Oracle) massload ..\schema\xml\DatabeanToXMLRegistry.xml database_name database_user database_user_password schema_name

    • massload ..\schema\xml\DatabeanToXMLRegistry.xml

  11. Restart your WebSphere Commerce Server.

You can now use the data bean to XMLGenerator. The next step is to generate an XML file using the XMLGenerator.
Next topic: Generating an XML file using the data bean to XMLGenerator

Related concepts

WebSphere Commerce JSP viewer

Related tasks

Create XML files using the XMLGenerator