ReturnItemUpdate URL

This URL updates information about a returned item and can be called for multiple return merchandise authorization (RMA) items.


URL structure

http:// host_name/path/

The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce server and the configuration path.


Parameter values


Sets or resets the preferred language for the duration of the session; the supported languages for a store are found in the STORELANG table


(Required) The store reference number.


The logon ID of the user on whose behalf the command will be run; only a person with the authority to process orders can specify this parameter.


The logon ID of the user on whose behalf the command will be run; only a person with a security role of Customer Service Representative can specify this parameter. The user is identified by an internal user ID, as found in the USERS table.

creditAdjustment_ i

The amount by which to adjust the product credit amount. The format of this number must fit the rules for a java.math.BigDecimal object. The number must use a period for a decimal place. This amount will override any amount calculated by the CalculateReturnItemAdjustmentCmd task command. This parameter is optional and only valid if either the forUser or the forUserId parameter is specified.

receive_ i

Specifies whether or not the return item components should be received by the store. For example, spoiled groceries do not need to be returned to the store, whereas a sweater would.


(Required) The RMAItem identifier.

quantity_ i

The quantity being returned.

UOM_ i

The unit of measure for quantity_i. This value should match one of the primary keys in the QTYUNIT table. When it is not specified, then the value of the QUANTITYMEASURE column of the CATENTSHIP table for the row with the same CATENTRY_ID as the OrderItem is used, and the value of the quantity_i parameter is multiplied by the NOMINALQUANTITY column of the same row in the CATENTSHIP table.

comment_ i

A comment about the item being returned.

reason_ i

The reason for the return, as provided by the purchaser. This value can be found in the CODE column of the RTNREASON table with reason type in 'B' or 'C'.


(Required) The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.


The name to use for the name-value pair which will be passed to the redirected URL. This parameter is useful for chaining commands. If this parameter is not specified then "RMAId" is used.



The following example updates RMAItem 123 to specify the return quantity of 2 and updates RMAItem 456 to specify a return quantity of 3." On successful completion, the RMA will be displayed.




Exception conditions

Related concepts

Returns and refunds
Order Management subsystem

Related reference

ReturnCancel URL
ReturnCreate URL
ReturnDisplay URL
ReturnItemAdd URL
ReturnItemDelete URL
ReturnListDisplay URL
ReturnPrepare URL
ReturnProcess URL
ReturnCreditAndCloseScan command
Order Management subsystem URLs