Order Management subsystem URLs
The Order Management subsystem includes all logic and data relevant to placing, processing, and managing orders. The Order Management subsystem also deals with returns.
Order abbreviations
Several order URLs accept order abbreviations such as "*" and "." to indicate one or more values for some of their parameters that specify order identifiers. URLs that accept order abbreviations generally accept any of the following abbreviations, although "**" and ".**." (which involve creating a new order) may not be applicable for some URLs. Refer to each URL's documentation to understand which abbreviations are accepted by each URL. Many URLs accept the following order abbreviations for parameters that specify order reference numbers.
For most URLs, the specified customer is the customer executing the URL, and a parameter named storeId specifies the store. For some URLs, the store may be implied from other parameters. If no store is specified, then the abbreviation applies to all stores. The abbreviations "**" and ".**." should not be used when no store is specified.
Abbreviation Description . (dot) The reference numbers of the current pending orders for the specified customer and store. (You can make a pending order current by calling the SetPendingOrder URL.) The order reference numbers are obtained by calling the GetCurrentPendingOrdersCmd task URL. If it returns none, the most recently updated pending order is considered to be current.
* (asterisk) All pending orders for the specified customer and store. .t (dot and t) The current template orders for the specified customer and store as previously set by the SetOrderTemplate URL. *t (asterisk and t) All template orders for the specified customer and store as previously set by the SetOrderTemplate URL. ** (double asterisk) Create a new order for the specified customer and store, and assign it a new reference number. .**. (dot, double asterisk, dot) Use the current pending orders; if there are no pending orders, make a new pending order and set it to be current. q Use the customer's order profile for the specified store if it exists. Otherwise, use the customer's order profile for the specified store's store group. *n (asterisk and n) No order objects. *child<(OrderQuotationRelId | OrderQuotationRel abbreviation)> All child orders for the OrderQuotationRel objects specified by <(OrderQuotationRelId | OrderQuotationRel abbreviation)>. *parent<(OrderQuotationRelId | OrderQuotationRel abbreviation)> All parent orders for the OrderQuotationRel objects specified by <(OrderQuotationRelId | OrderQuotationRel abbreviation)>.
Below are examples of using order abbreviations:
Abbreviation Description *child*parent.*submission All submitted child orders whose parent is one of the current pending orders (for the current user in the current store). *parent*child1001 The parent order of child order number 1001.
Order-item abbreviations
Several order URLs accept order-item abbreviations (such as "*" and "*n") to indicate one or more values for some of their parameters that specify order-item identifiers. URLs that accept order-item abbreviations generally accept any of the following abbreviations, although "**" (which involves creating a new order item) may not be applicable for some URLs.
Order-item abbreviations are evaluated in the context of one or more orders. For example, "*" represents all order items for the specified orders.
Abbreviation Description *n (asterisk and n) No order items. *n can be used to specify that no order item IDs executed by the previous URL are implicitly sent to the current URL. * string Various order items are included depending on the codes that appear in string, as defined in the "Code group for illustrating the syntax of the order-item abbreviations" table below. In the following definition, each code group represents the union of the sets of order items defined by the codes in that code group.
The set of order items defined by string is as follows:
(**) U (abu^cd^iv^fpw) U (g)
where U indicates union and ^ indicates intersection. For example, if string is "fuwbd":
- no codes from code group "**" appear, so that code group represents no order items
- codes "u" and "b" from code group "abu" appear, so that code group represents all unallocated or backordered order items
- code "d" from code group "cd" appears, so that code group represents all order items whose inventory items are discontinued
- no codes from code group "iv" appear, so that code group represents all order items
- codes "f" and "w" from code group "fpw" appear, so that code group represents all order items whose estimated availability dates are either unknown or in the future
- no codes from "g" appear, so that code group represents no order items
Based on this logic, "*fuwbd" means all unallocated or backordered order items whose estimated availability times are unknown or in the future and whose inventory items are discontinued.
Code group for illustrating the syntax of the order-item abbreviations
The following table describes the codes for the * string abbreviation, as described in the "Order-item abbreviations" table above.
Code Code group Specified order items Default value when no codes from the code group are specified ** (double asterisk) ** (double asterisk) Order items created by the URL execution to which this parameter is passed. No order items. a abu Allocated order items (InventoryStatus "ALLC"). All order items. b abu Backordered order items (InventoryStatus "BO"). All order items u abu Unallocated order items (InventoryStatus "NALC"). All order items. c cd Order items whose inventory items are not discontinued. All order items. d cd Order items whose inventory items are discontinued. All order items. i iv Order items that are not validly allocated (and not validly backordered).
An order item is validly allocated or backordered if it is allocated or backordered; the quantity, fulfillment center, and shipping address are the same as when it was allocated or backordered; and the allocation or backorder has not yet expired. Changing the configuration ID or the shipping-mode ID will also invalidate allocations and backorders.
All order items. v iv Order items that are validly allocated (or validly backordered). All order items. f fpw Order items whose estimated availability times are in the future. All order items. p fpw Order items whose estimated availability times are in the past or present. All order items. w fpw Order items whose estimated availability times are unknown. All order items. g g Order items with the same correlationGroup attribute as any of the other specified order items. No order items.
Examples: order-item abbreviations
Abbreviation Description *n (asterisk and n) No order items. * (asterisk) All existing order items in the specified orders. ** (double asterisk) All order items created by this URL execution. ** c (double asterisk and c) All order items created by this URL execution whose inventory items are not discontinued. *** (triple asterisk) All existing order items plus those created by this URL execution. *i** (asterisk, i, and double asterisk) All existing order items not validly allocated (and not validly backordered) plus any order items created by this URL execution. *w (asterisk and w) All existing order items whose estimated availability time is unknown. *fp (asterisk, f, and p) All existing order items whose estimated availability time is unknown (in the future, past, or present). *f (asterisk and f) All existing order items whose estimated availability time is in the future. *u (asterisk and u) All existing unallocated order items. *ub (asterisk, u, and b) All existing unallocated or backordered order items. *ai (asterisk, a, and i) All existing order items that are not validly allocated but whose InventoryStatus is "ALLC". *bic (asterisk, b, i, and c) All existing order items whose inventory items are not discontinued and are not validly backordered, but whose InventoryStatus is "BO". *ud (asterisk, u, and d) All existing order items whose inventory items are discontinued and whose InventoryStatus is "NALC".
OrderQuotationRel abbreviations
Abbreviation Description *n (asterisk and n) No OrderQuotationRel objects. *initial All OrderQuotationRel objects whose relType attribute indicates initial. *selection All OrderQuotationRel objects whose relType attribute indicates selection. *final All OrderQuotationRel objects whose relType attribute indicates final. *submission All OrderQuotationRel objects whose relType attribute indicates submission. *parent<(OrderId | Order abbreviation)> All OrderQuotationRel objects whose parentId attribute indicates one of the orders indicated by <(OrderId | Order abbreviation)>. *child<(OrderId | Order abbreviation)> All OrderQuotationRel objects whose childId attribute indicates one of the orders indicated by <(OrderId | Order abbreviation)>. *store<(StoreId)> All OrderQuotationRel objects whose childStoreId attribute indicates one of the Stores indicated by <(StoreId)>. *contract<(ContractId | *default)> All OrderQuotationRel objects whose tradingAgreementId attribute indicates one of the Contracts indicated by <(ContractId | *default)>, where *default indicates the default Contract for the Store indicated by the childStoreId attribute of the OrderQuotationRel object.. Any combination of the preceding abbreviation values OrderQuotationRel abbreviations may be concatenated to represent the intersection of the sets of OrderQuotationsRel objects represented by the individual abbreviations.
Below are examples of using OrderQuotationRel abbreviations:
Abbreviation Description *initial*parent. All OrderQuotationRel objects whose parent order is one of the current pending orders (for the current user in the current store) and whose relType attribute indicates initial. *contract*default*store123*final All OrderQuotationRel objects whose storeId attribute is 123 and whose tradingAgreementId attribute indicates the default contract for that store and whose relType attribute indicates final. *store123*parent* All OrderQuotationRel objects whose storeId attribute is 123 and whose parent order is a pending order (of the current user in the current store). Related concepts
Order Management subsystemRelated reference
Shopping flow URLs