OrderItemAdd URL

Add items or products to the list of items that are to be shipped.


URL structure

http:// host_name/ path/

The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce server and the configuration path.


Parameter values


The logon ID of the user on whose behalf the command will be run; only a person with the authority to process orders can specify this parameter.


Same as forUser, but identifying the user by the internal user ID, as found in the USERS table.


Sets or resets the preferred language for the duration of the session; the supported languages for a store are found in the STORELANG table.


(Required) The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.


(Required) The store reference number, which is mandatory because you cannot buy from a mall.

catEntryId_ i

(Required) The reference number of the items to be put into the order. This parameter is required if the customer does not have a shopping cart. It is not required if a customer order already exists.

partNumber_ i

If this parameter is specified, then the catEntryId parameter is ignored. The partNumber and memberId parameters are used to determine a catentry_id by selecting PARTNUMBER and MEMBER_ID in the CATENTRY table, and this command applies that reference number to the value for catEntryId.

expandConfigurationId_ i

If this parameter is specified, then add an order item for each component identified by this parameter whose orderItemId attribute is null.

memberId_ i

The identifier for the member that owns the catalog where the order will be placed. To achieve compatibility with previous versions of WebSphere Commerce, set memberID to *storeOwner. This specifies the memberID of the owner of the current Store object.

attrName_ i

Any distinct attribute that is defined for the item. This parameter can be repeated.

attrValue_ i

The value of the attribute in attrName. This parameter can be repeated.

quantity_ i

(Required) The quantity of the item to be added to the order.

UOM_ i

The unit of measure for quantity_i. This value should match one of the primary keys in the QTYUNIT table. When it is not specified, then the value of the QUANTITYMEASURE column of the CATENTSHIP table for the row with the same CATENTRY_ID as the OrderItem is used, and the value of the quantity_i parameter is multiplied by the NOMINALQUANTITY column of the same row in the CATENTSHIP table.

addressId_ i

The reference number of the address to which the products and items are shipped.

shipModeId_ i

The reference number of the shipping mode to be used for the product or item.

comment_ i

A comment to be included with the created or updated ordered items.

contractId_ i

The identifier of the contract governing the order to which the item is being added; there is one default contract for each store but you can set up others. This parameter can be repeated.

field1_ i

A store-reserved integer value.

field2_ i

A store-reserved text value. This parameter accepts up to 254 characters.

offerId_ i

The identifier of the offer governing the order to which the item is being added. This parameter can be repeated.


The identifier of the order to which the item is being added. This parameter can be repeated.


Names of the reference numbers of the created or updated orders to be added to the redirection URL. Use this parameter and outOrderItemName when chaining commands. This parameter can be repeated.


The names of the reference numbers of the created or updated order items to be added to the redirection URL. This parameter can be repeated.


The interest item list ID. When you specify this parameter, the OrderItemAdd command will create a new order which contains all the items in the list.


Specifies the order description for a new order created by this command.


Controls whether the order-item addition continues when one or more of the order items cannot be created or updated. A value of 0 terminates and rolls back execution if an order item cannot be created or updated in the target order; a value of 1 ignores the create or update operation for that order item and continues execution. The default value is 0.


Sets the order comment if specified.


A list of the OrderItems that should be merged with other OrderItems in the same order and with the same correlationGroup attribute, if possible. OrderItems are not merged unless their InventoryStatus is "NALC", or they are specified by one or more of the allocate, backorder, and reverse parameters. This parameter can be repeated.


A list of OrderItems that should be merged with other OrderItems in the same order if possible, regardless of their correlationGroup attributes. OrderItems are not merged unless their InventoryStatus is "NALC", or they are specified by one or more of the allocate, backorder, and reverse parameters. This parameter can be repeated.


A list of OrderItems that should be checked by the CheckInventory task command. This parameter can be repeated.


A list of OrderItems that should be allocated from existing inventory by the AllocateExistingInventory task command. This parameter can be repeated.


A list of OrderItems that should be backordered, by the AllocateExpectedInventory task command. If the same OrderItem is specified by both the allocate and backorder parameters, it is not backordered if it can be allocated. This parameter can be repeated.


A list of OrderItems whose allocations should be released (that is, de-allocated from existing or expected inventory as appropriate) by calling the DeallocateExistingInventory or DeallocateExpectedInventory task commands as appropriate. This parameter can be repeated.

configurationId_ i

If the OrderItem represents a configured Dynamic Kit, this is the configuration ID. This parameter can be repeated.

correlationGroup_ i

The group to which this OrderItem is related. Normally, the correlationGroup is the same as the OrderItemID. OrderItems with the same correlationGroup attribute value represent the same object that the customer wants to buy. A value for correlationGroup can be specified and propagated when either OrderItems are split (by fulfillment center, for example) when inventory is allocated, or when a price quotation is received for an OrderItem. When an OrderItem is split at inventory allocation, the newly created OrderItem inherits the correlationGroup value from the original OrderItem. In a quotation situation, the OrderItem inherits the correlationGroup value from the corresponding OrderItem in the parent order.

expandConfigurationId_ i

Add multiple OrderItems, one for each component identified by expandConfigurationId_ i whose orderItemId attribute is null.


Sets the order comment attribute.


The default value is N. If it is Y, orderitem will be marked as EXPEDITED.


The default value is 0. If it is 1, OrderCalculateCmd will be called to calculate the charges for the order. If the value is 0, Order charges will not be calculated in this command.

requestedShipDate_ i

Marks the requested shipping date for an orderitem.

shipInstructions_ i

Specifies shipping instructions for one shipmode.

shipChargTypeId_ i

Results in shipping charge policy, charge by carrier or charge by merchant.

shipCarrAccntNum_ i

The shipping carrier account number.

externalId_ i

The unique gift registry external identifier.

giftMessage_ i

A message provided by the gift giver to the gift registrant.

shipToRegistrant_ i

Specifies where gifts should be delivered. A value of 1 indicates that gifts should be shipped directly to the gift registrant, using the address provided during gift registry profile creation.

doPrice Specifies whether the command should perform the price calculation subtasks. Set to either do the price tasks (Y), or not (N). Turning off these tasks might result in better performance, but customers might not get the most current price, or product entitlement, when changes occur.

doInventory Specifies whether the command should perform the inventory calculation subtasks. Set to either do the price tasks (Y), or not (N). Turning off these tasks might result in better performance, but customers might not get the most current inventory level, when changes occur.

Note for ATP inventory: The remerge, merge, check, allocate, backorder and reverse parameters are applicable only if ATP inventory is enabled (see the STORE.INVENTORYSYSTEM column in the STORE table). They represent lists of OrderItems that will be passed to the DoInventoryAction task command. This command invokes AllocateInventory, which calls CheckInventoryAvailability, AllocateExistingInventory, AllocateExpectedInventory , DeallocateExistingInventory, and DeallocateExpectedInventory as specified below. Also, these parameters accept OrderItem abbreviations, which are detailed in the help for Order Management subsystem URLs.

The default ATP parameter values are as follows:

Example 1

The following example adds three units of the product with reference number 24 to each of the customer's current pending orders that are created under the store that carries catalog entry 24. The example indicates that they are to be shipped to the address with reference number 2, and then calls the OrderItemDisplay command.



Example 2

The following example adds ten units of the catalog entry with reference number 2 to the current customer's new order. The parameter orderId is added to the redirection URL; its value is the reference number of the created order, and the OrderItemDisplay command is called.



Example 3

The following example adds a bundle whose constituents are as follows: Item 312200001 Item 312200301 Product 312200200 with attribute 312200201



Example 4

The following example adds two products with multiple attributes to a shopping cart, where the first catalog entry has two attributes and the second catalog entry has three attributes:




Exception conditions

Different exception tasks are called depending on the error.

Related concepts

Order Management subsystem

Related reference

Order Management subsystem URLs
IBM Gift Center and WebSphere Commerce order integration