Marketing subsystem URLs
The Marketing subsystem includes all logic and data relevant to marketing concepts for your site, such as campaigns, Web activities, customer segments, e-mail activities, and collaboration. With the commands in this group you can:
- Reporting URLs
- ClickInfo: Increment marketing event statistics.
- RaiseECEvent URL: Scheduler command which raises pending events
- Promotion URLs
- SchedCoupon URL: Scheduler command
Collaborative workspace URLs
- CollabAccessSpace: Redirect the browser to the QuickPlace server for a collaborative workspace.
- CollabAddMember: Add one or more members to a collaborative workspace and give the member Author authority. This URL also provides an option to send an e-mail to each user who is successfully added.
- CollabChangeMember: Change the user role of the specified member in a collaborative workspace.
- CollabChangeSpace: Change the description of a collaborative workspace.
- CollabCreateSpace: Create a collaborative workspace.
- Manager authority.
- CollabDeleteMember: Remove a specified member from a collaborative workspace.
- CollabDeleteSpace: Delete a collaborative workspace.
Customer care URLs
- RetrieveShoppingCartCmd: Retrieve and display the items in a customer's shopping cart.
- RetrieveShopperProfileCmd: Retrieve and display a customer's profile.
Related concepts
Marketing subsystemRelated reference
Shopping flow URLs