Globalized tools framework
As is the case with globalized stores in WebSphere Commerce, all tools pages are enabled for globalization. The globalization enablement of tools pages is accomplished through the use of a set of tools framework's functions and utilities.All national language sensitive data is separated into properties files. Messages listed in the WebSphere Commerce documentation use the logging and message subsystem. All other text that is not placed in an ECException object and does not need any additional descriptions (such as field labels) is retrieved using the resource bundle handling classes provided by the tools framework. To allow for easy modification of fields, those classes access PropertyResourceBundle (.properties files) only and turn those bundles into hashtables. Some of the features that these classes provide are:
- Auto-reload of .properties, file if modified
- XML configuration
Related concepts
Supporting globalization
Cultural considerations
Localized store assetsRelated tasks
Create a globalized store
Create and using a resource bundle in the tools framework
Name and address formattingRelated reference
Globalization tips
massload utility (Server environment)