Localized store assets

Globalization permeates the WebSphere Commerce product. As a result, localization is embedded in most of the store data assets. This section highlights the store assets to which localization is most relevant. The following are the localized store assets:

Language assets in WebSphere Commerce stores

The following are the language classifications in WebSphere Commerce:

Default language

A default language is associated with each store. This is the main language of the store, and is the language displayed to customers that do not explicitly choose a shopping language. The store supports the default language implicitly; that is, the store must always be able to display information in the default language. When information is not available in one of the supported languages, or alternative languages, the information is displayed in the default language.

Supported language

The STORELANG table indicates the languages each store supports. A store must be able to display information in the supported languages, or one of the alternative languages, if defined.

Alternative language

When information is not available in one of the supported languages, the store displays the information in an alternative language, if it is defined in the LANGPAIR table. A store can specify the sequence in which to try each of its alternative languages. Alternative languages are useful when some information is available in only one language, but should be made available to customers shopping in a different, related, language. This might be the case when, for example, not all information has yet been translated into all supported languages, or when, for example, two very similar dialects of the same language are supported, sometimes with identical information.


Currency assets in WebSphere Commerce stores

You can display prices on your site in multiple currencies. For a site with multiple stores, use different currencies for each store, or assign currencies to the store group. Depending on the nature of the site that you are creating, you can specify the currencies to use and how they are displayed. You can also allow customers to select a shopping currency.

The following explains the currency structure in the WebSphere Commerce Server and store:

Currency format

A store entity can have many currency formatting rules. If a store does not have a formatting rule for a particular currency, then it uses the formatting rule of its store group. Currency formats are set up in the CURFORMAT table.

Number usage

Each formatted currency rule is associated with one number usage. Numbers such as quantities and monetary amounts can be rounded and formatted differently depending on their associated usage. Stores can specify different rounding and formatting rules for the numbers they display according to how they are used. For example, a store may round unit prices to four decimal places by specifying the unit price usage, but other currency amounts to two decimal places by specifying the default usage. Number usage is stored in the NUMBRUSG table.

Currency format description

A currency format rule can have many currency format descriptions. A currency format description describes how to format (for display purposes) a monetary amount in a particular currency and particular language. Each description is associated with a language in the LANGUAGE table. Currency format descriptions are stored in the CURFMTDESC table.

Supported currency

A store entity can have many supported currencies. A supported currency is one in which payment is accepted.

Currency conversion rule

All currencies have rules governing their conversions to and from other currencies. Each currency conversion rule can be used to convert a price (stored in the database in a particular currency) to an amount customers will be charged in a supported shopping currency.

Counter currency

Counter currencies are currency amounts that are displayed along with a supported currency. They cannot be used for purchases but are used for informational purposes. If customers decide to shop in the Euro, they can have the European Monetary Union monetary amounts and other currency amounts displayed in the store. Amounts in the shopping currency are converted to all the counter value currencies for that shopping currency. Counter currency pairs are stored in the CURCVLIST table.

Every starter store includes a currency.xml file, which includes the currency information.


Shipping assets in WebSphere Commerce stores

Shipping is how a store handles physical delivery of goods to customers. In most cases, goods are shipped from a fulfillment center, a separate agency that is responsible for warehousing the store's goods.

In order to offer shipping services, and charge for these services, a store created with WebSphere Commerce must include the following:

Tax assets in WebSphere Commerce stores

In order to charge and collect taxes on the goods and services a store provides, the store must include the following:

The combination of the tax categories, calculation codes, jurisdictions, and jurisdiction groups create the tax charges for the store.

Related concepts

Supporting globalization
Programming models for globalized stores

Related tasks

Add a new currency to WebSphere Commerce
Add a language or currency to a store archive

Related reference

Globalization tips
massload utility (Server environment)