Globalization in the messaging system
The WebSphere Commerce messaging system gives WebSphere Commerce the ability to communicate with its external environment (back-end and external systems), as well as send notification to customers and administrators that events have occurred within WebSphere Commerce. This is accomplished through two subsystems: an inbound system that manages inbound messages coming from back-end and external systems, and an outbound messaging system that allows you to send notification to users (such as sending e-mail messages notifying a customer about a password reset).The character encoding used for MIME messaging is usually different from that used by browsers. For example, the de-facto character encoding for MIME messaging in Japan is iso-2022-jp, while the most commonly used character encoding in all other applications is Shift_JIS. As a result, a unique field is added to the WebSphere Commerce schema to enable the messaging system for multilingual support. This field is the MIMECHARSET column in the LANGUAGE table.
Related concepts
Supporting globalization
Programming models for globalized stores
Outbound messaging systemRelated tasks
Encoding for e-mail transmissionRelated reference
Globalization tips
massload utility (Server environment)