Delete a merchandising association semantic
You can delete any custom merchandising association semantic you created. Do not delete the following default merchandising association semantics: requires, optional, temp and none.
To delete a merchandising association type:
- If you delete a merchandising association type, any existing merchandising associations using that type will also be deleted. If this situation is acceptable, skip this step. Otherwise, do the following to ensure there are no existing merchandising associations of the type you want to delete.:
- From a database command window, find the massoc_id by running the following command:
select massoc_id from massoc.Find the massoc_id in the resulting list.
- Check for existing merchandising associations between catalog entries by running the following command:
select * from massoccece where massoc_id='massoc_idFoundInStep_a'- Check for existing merchandising associations between categories by running the following command:
select * from massocgpgp where massoc_id='massoc_idFoundInStep_a'- For any records found in steps b and c, change the semantic of merchandising association to a merchandising association which you will not delete.
- Stop your WebSphere Commerce Server.
- Connect to the database.
- Run the following command:
delete from massoc where massoc_id='massoc_idFoundInStep_a'- Start your WebSphere Commerce Server.
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