Tutorial: Customizing Web 2.0 and Web services to support customization of the OrderItem noun using the UserData field > < Previous | Next >


Testing your customization

This section is about testing your customization.

  1. Open your internet browser and go to http://localhost/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Madisons2/index.jsp

  2. Click Tableware > Wine Glasses.

  3. Add both the Villagois Wineglass and the Hawthorne Wineglass to your shopping cart.

  4. Click Shopping Cart.

  5. Fill in the engraving information and then click the Save button for each item,

  6. Refresh the Web browser to check the retrieved engraving information from the database.

Check database table to ensure that engraving information was saved

  1. Open another browser and go to http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp

  2. Type the following SQL statement
    SELECT * FROM pattrvalue WHERE OrderItems_id IS NOT NULL;

  3. Check the table for your order items and make sure that the values have persisted to the PATTRVALUE table.

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