Tutorial: Customizing Web 2.0 and Web services to support customization of the OrderItem noun using the UserData field > < Previous | Next >
Updating the order shopping flow to include your customized code
This section refers to updating the order shopping flow to include the customized code.. Register the your new commands
- Open a browser and type the following URL: http://localhost/webapp/wcs/admin/servlet/db.jsp.
- In the input box, enter the following SQL statement to register the new commands
INSERT INTO CMDREG(STOREENT_ID, INTERFACENAME, CLASSNAME, TARGET) VALUES (0,'com.ibm.commerce.orderitems.commands.ExtendOrderItemProcessCmd', 'com.mycompany.commerce.customization.order.MyExtendOrderItemProcessCmdImpl','Local');UPDATE CMDREG SET CLASSNAME = 'com.mycompany.commerce.customization.order.ExtComposeOrderDetailsCmdImpl' WHERE INTERFACENAME='com.ibm.commerce.order.facade.server.commands.ComposeOrderCmd+IBM_Details';Register the your new Client API
- In WebSphere Commerce Developer, open the Project Explorer perspective, and expand Dynamic Web Projects\Stores\WebContent\WEB-INF.
- Open struts-config-ext.xml
- Copy the following text into the bottom of the file, but above the <struts-config> tag
<plug-in className="com.ibm.commerce.struts.ComponentPlugIn"> <set-property property="componentId" value="order"/> <set-property property="clientFacadeClassName" value="com.mycompany.commerce.customization.order.MyOrderFacadeClient"/> </plug-in>- Save and close the file.