Tutorial: Customizing Web services and WebSphere Portal to support a new search > < Previous | Next >


Create the TCP/IP monitor

This section refers to creating the TCP/IP monitor.By default, the MVCPortlet project is set up to direct all Web service requests to localhost:81. A TCP/IP monitor is used to forward the Web service requests to the chosen WebSphere Commerce server. To create a TCP/IP Monitor to forward requests to WebSphere Commerce:

  1. Select Window > Show View > Other.

  2. Select Debug > TCP/IP Monitor.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select the TCP/IP Monitor.

  5. Open the TCP/IP Monitor properties.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Type the following information:

    • Local monitoring port: 81.

    • Hostname: The hostname of the WebSphere Commerce Server

    • Port: 80 for WebSphere Commerce Developer, 8007 for production

  8. Click OK.

  9. Select the created TCP/IP monitor.

  10. Click Start.

  11. Click OK.

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