Order services

The Order Management subsystem is a component of the WebSphere Commerce Server that provides shopping carts, order capture, order fulfillment, inventory, and payment function support.

Order management is broadly divided into these processes:

Order capture

Order capture provides functionality such as sales quotes, requisition lists, and shopping carts, and order submission.

Order processing

Order processing is responsible for the overall coordination of inventory allocation, payment processing, order fulfillment, and tracking order status.

Inventory processing

WebSphere Commerce supports four inventory systems: Available to promise (ATP), non-ATP, no inventory, and external inventory.

Payment processing

WebSphere Commerce Payments supports the use of payment plug-ins for offline or online payment processing.

The Order Management subsystem provides a set of services that can interact with other systems, such as WebSphere Portal. These services represent a subset of the functionality of the Order Management subsystem.

Order services use one noun:

Order services use three verbs:
Change, and

The following services are provided:

Verb Service Description
Process Prepare order Prepares an order.
Submit an order Submits an order.
Cancel a shopping cart Cancels a shopping cart.
Change Add order items Adds items or products to the list of items that are in the shopping cart.
Add payment instructions Adds a payment method to an order.
Update order items Updates order items.
Update payment instructions Updates a payment instruction.
Update shipping information Updates shipping information such as the shipping mode and the requested ship date.
Delete order items Deletes one or more items from the shopping cart.
Delete payment instructions Deletes a payment instruction.
Get Get current shopping cart Gets the current shopping cart.
Get history orders Gets order history. The memberId and storeId are retrieved from the business context. Then, the
OrderAccessBean returns the order history. Order history includes a complete list of orders that the customer has purchased.
Get order information by order ID Gets order information by order ID.
Get available payment information Gets usable payment information.
Get available shipping information Gets usable shipping information.
Get shopping carts Gets shopping carts.

Related concepts

Order Management subsystem

Related Reference

Order Management subsystem URLs
WebSphere Commerce services