Client library authentication mechanisms


Binding configuration

You can configure the binding of the transport mechanism you are using to provide the authentication credentials. The steps are dependent upon the transport you are using for Web services.

For generated Web service client proxy binding, see the steps in
Configure the client for a security token in the WebSphere V6 Web Services Handbook Development and Deployment Redbook.

For service binding using the WebSphere Commerce JCA Messaging sub system, you can provide the authentication credentials as part of the parameters. See
Configuration of transport services used for a message for more information.


Callback handler

The interface is part of the Java library and is used to specify a callback handler that will react to a particular set of callback objects. These callback objects represent authentication objects which either are empty objects expecting the callback handler to populate, or populated objects where the callback handler may want to store this information. For information about this interface can be found by reading the API documentation of this interface.

This interface is part of the client library constructor. It is used by the presentation layer to interact with the transport layer to specify authentication information in the transport protocol. By using this interface a client can control the WebSphere Commerce identity token used in the SOAP requests to the remote component. The abstract client library will pass this information to the service binding so the transport can flow the authentication information with the remote request.

WebSphere Commerce component facades using the client library to communicate with another WebSphere Commerce component facade do not need to use this interface. The passing of the authentication information will be managed by the WebSphere Application Server.

  Authentication mechanism available?
Binding mechanism Callback handler Binding configuration
Generated Web service client proxy binding Yes Yes
Local EJB binding N/A N/A
Web services binding in a J2SE application Yes No
Service binding using the WebSphere Commerce JCA Messaging sub system No Yes

For local EJB binding the struts Web application will handle authentication information.

Related Concepts

WebSphere Commerce services
WebSphere Commerce service module
Service Data Objects (SDO)
Component facade interfaces

Related tasks

Create the client library
Deploying the client library

Related Reference

Client library exceptions Order component client library