Process: Work with order






To allow a CSR to sell product.



Customer service representatives can place new orders, modify existing orders or cancel existing orders.





Display elements can be suppressed, modified or added. See underlying server processes for the many changes which can be made through configuration rather than customization.



Professional, Enterprise





Task Description Role
Add order comment

A CSR adds comment to the order for future reference. The comment can also be sent to the customer through email.

Customer Service Representative
Block order

A CSR chooses to block an order due to a variety of reasons (say Fraud), and does not wish the order to be shipped, pending further investigation. A blocked order can be edited, which may or may not affect its blocked condition. A blocked order can be manually unblocked by CSR supervisor.

Customer Service Representative
Cancel order

Update the order state to canceled (X).

Customer Service Representative
Clone order

A CSR makes a copy of an order if a customer wants exactly or largely the same items as on a previous order.

Customer Service Representative
Find order

A CSR chooses which key information that will be used to find an order, enters the key information such as order number, status of the order, customer name, customer ID, shipped to name and chooses from among the potentially matching orders.

Customer Service Representative
Gather information from customer

A CSR inquires what products the customer is interested in and responds to the customer's request for special processing, if any.

Customer Service Representative
Inform customer of order number

A CSR reads off the system supplied order number to the customer.

Customer Service Representative
Save as quote

A CSR realizes that the customer is not yet ready to buy the products they are interested in but does want to be guaranteed of the price once they are ready to purchase.

Customer Service Representative
Save shopping cart

Save shopping cart for further update.

Customer Service Representative
Submit order

Submits an order for processing. The credit card number is validated before the submission is successful.

Customer Service Representative
Update payment instructions and re-submit

A CSR updates information about how the customer would like to pay for their order and re-submits the order.

Customer Service Representative
View order

A CSR reviews the content and status of an order.

Customer Service Representative
View previous version of order

A CSR reviews the content of a previous version of an order.

Customer Service Representative
Work with charges

A CSR views and potentially overrides charges, other than line item charges, such as shipping or handling charges, which are applied to the order.

Customer Service Representative
Work with order attributes

A CSR sets attributes which apply to the order as a whole as opposed to the line items.

Customer Service Representative
Work with payment instructions

A CSR enters and reviews information about how the customer would like to pay for their order.

Customer Service Representative


Business artifacts
