Process: Track thank you note sent
To allow a gift registry registrant to track items purchased from a gift registry, and manage thank you notes to gift givers.
A customer can view a record of gifts purchased from their gift registry, and to track thank-you notes sent to gift givers. IBM Gift Center does not send thank-you notes, but allows registrants mark them as having been sent.
- Search for and review an existing registry profile
- Maintain a list of all purchases off the registry list, with details on who bought each item, when it was bought, the quantity
- Ability to mark whether or not traditional thank you notes have been sent to the gift givers; this allows the customer to track thank you notes
Various business rules can be configured to change behaviors of IBM Gift Center. For details, refer to the IBM Gift Center section within the WebSphere Commerce Information Center.
Professional, Enterprise
Task Description Role Mark thank you note sent for purchase The customer can indicate whether or not they have sent a thank you note for each gift received
Registrant View purchase records The customer can view all the purchase records for items bought from the registry list
Business artifacts
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