Process: Reset password (supplier hub)
To allow a registered customer to reset their password in case they forget it.
The customer may request that the store send a temporary password to the customer's e-mail address. The customer uses the temporary password to log on to the store. The system will prompt the user to change the password.
- The customer can request a new password.
- The system generates a temporary password that the customer must change.
- The system uses a challenge question and answer to authenticate customers requesting to reset their passwords.
Change the properties of the reset password such as the length of the password and the characters that the password can contain.
Task Description Role Change password The customer is prompted to change the password. The changed password is saved as the permanent password.
Registered Customer Check e-mail The customer checks the e-mail in the inbox.
Registered Customer Log on A registered user logs on to the store by providing the ID and the corresponding password.
Registered Customer Specify user identification The customer types in their user ID so that their password can be reset.
Registered Customer
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