Process: Record inventory lost






Record changes to inventory when the inventory has been lost or has otherwise become unavailable in the inventory system.



This process is initiated by a warehouse clerk, who will first determine the reason that the inventory is lost. For instance, the inventory may have been determined to be lost as the result of a cycle count. The reason is mapped to an adjustment code. The warehouse clerk specifies the adjustment code, fulfillment center, inventory item (catalog entry), and quantity. The system records the adjustment and updates the quantity of one or more existing receipts.



Inventory adjustment





Professional, Enterprise



Task Description Role
Adjust inventory

Adjusts existing inventory by marking down quantities in one or more rows in the RECEIPT table when the adjustment is negative. This is required because a receipt is not allowed to have a negative quantity. If the adjustment is positive, a quantity in a row in the RECEIPT table will be increased.

Product Manager
Determine reason inventory is lost (external)

This is an external task for determining the reason for the adjustment. This reason will be specified when making the adjustment. The output of this task is an adjustment code.

Product Manager


Business artifacts
