Process: Manage purchase record






To allow a Customer Service Representative to manage purchase records from a gift registry.



A Customer Service Representative can view and update purchase records made from a gift registry, on behalf of a customer. For example, a customer may know of a gift that was purchased for them, but not marked off the registry list; the Customer Server Representative can mark this item as purchased.



A Customer Service Representative can manage purchase records on behalf of a customer by:



Various business rules can be configured to change behaviors of IBM Gift Center. For details, refer to the IBM Gift Center section within the WebSphere Commerce Information Center.



Professional, Enterprise



Task Description Role
Create new purchase record

The Customer Service Representative can mark an item as purchased, creating a new purchase record and reflect this in the registry list

Customer Service Representative
Delete a purchase record

The Customer Service Representative can remove an unwanted purchase record

Customer Service Representative
Enter registry search criteria

The gift giver searches for a registry

Customer Service Representative
Select a registry from search result

The gift giver selects a registry from the search results

Customer Service Representative
Update existing purchase record

The Customer Service Representative can add or change details about an existing purchase record, such as the name of the purchaser, or the quantity purchased

Customer Service Representative
Work with purchase record

The Customer Service Representative can manage purchase records: create, update, or delete

Customer Service Representative


Business artifacts
