Process: Manage customer care request
Allow a Customer Service Representative to manage customer care requests.
The objective of the process is to allow a Customer Service Representative to obtain general information about a pending customer care request, and take actions.
-- Customer Service Representative can get information about the Web page from which a customer care request originated
-- Customer Service Representative can get information about the user profile of the user that initiated a customer care request
-- Customer Service Representative can get information about the shopping cart of the user that initiated a customer care request
-- Customer Service Representative can requeue a request into a different customer care queue
Professional, Enterprise
Task Description Role Chat with other CSR A customer service representative can use the customer care applet to chat with other customer service representatives to get additional help for a customer care request, or use it to inform another customer service representative about transferring a customer care request to a different queue.
Customer Service Representative Gather customer information Customer service representatives can get information about customers while they are monitoring a customer care queue. By default the following information is available:
- Customer profile: The customer's account information and purchase history
- Shopping cart: Information about the products that have been put into the customer's shopping cart
In addition, during a chat session with a customer, customer service representatives can also view the page that the customer is browsing.
Customer Service Representative Monitor customer care request Customer service representatives must start the customer care applet using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to be able to monitor a customer care queue and accept requests from customers.
Customer Service Representative Requeue request If a customer service representative concludes that a customer care request can be better served by another customer service representative, he can requeue the request to the queue that is assigned to the target customer service representative.
Customer Service Representative
Business artifacts
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