Process: Develop composite product






Create a composite product consisting of a set of products or SKUs from the master catalog.



A composite product is created by a Product Manager as a prebuilt kit from products, parts and services from the master catalog. A composite product is a product with its own images, descriptions, and attributes. A composite product is priced independently from its constituent SKUs.







Professional, Enterprise, Express



Task Description Role
Add attributes

Add or modify attributes that describe a product, service, part, SKU, kit or bundle. This could include images, additional translated descriptions, manufacturer or supplier data, MSRP, descriptive attribute information, and defining attribute information for products. A combination of the set of defining attribute's values determine the SKUs for a product.

Product Manager
Categorize product

Add or modify the relationship of a product, part, service, kit or bundle under a category of the hierarchy of the catalog or taxonomy.

Product Manager
Create composite product

Create a product as a composite product. The composite product will define a set of attributes and its associated possible values

Product Manager


Business artifacts
