Process: Develop composite product
Create a composite product consisting of a set of products or SKUs from the master catalog.
A composite product is created by a Product Manager as a prebuilt kit from products, parts and services from the master catalog. A composite product is a product with its own images, descriptions, and attributes. A composite product is priced independently from its constituent SKUs.
- Kits and bundles containing SKUs with specified quantities.
- Sequence SKUs within kits or bundles for display.
- Promotional pricing for kits.
- Kits or bundles containing products resulting in SKUs for the kit. User interface support is not available to build and resolves SKUs from the combination of the constituent products and needs to be manually created.
- Kits or bundles containing other products that are kits.
Professional, Enterprise, Express
Task Description Role Add attributes Add or modify attributes that describe a product, service, part, SKU, kit or bundle. This could include images, additional translated descriptions, manufacturer or supplier data, MSRP, descriptive attribute information, and defining attribute information for products. A combination of the set of defining attribute's values determine the SKUs for a product.
Product Manager Categorize product Add or modify the relationship of a product, part, service, kit or bundle under a category of the hierarchy of the catalog or taxonomy.
Product Manager Create composite product Create a product as a composite product. The composite product will define a set of attributes and its associated possible values
Product Manager
Business artifacts
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