Process: Define display pages
Create and associate JSP display pages to catalog constructs.
Businesses ultimately control the display and flow of their stores through the JSP files they define during store development. JSP files are associated with catalog, category, or product display pages using the Loader package. The Product Manager provides input on the creation of the display pages. Catalog, category and product display pages are built and customized for the site and can contain:
Descriptions and images in different languages and prices in different currencies for catalogs, categories, and products.
Marketing spots that may take advantage of merchandising associations.
Logic to determine handling of product life cycles states for announced, available, and discontinued products.
Associate a default JSP file to be used to display all categories and products in the store unless a specific JSP file is specified.
Professional, Enterprise, Express
Task Description Role Assign display pages Each catalog, category, product or SKU requires an associated JSP file for display. The category, product or SKU may be assigned a specific JSP file, a default JSP file per store or per site.
Site Administrator
Business artifacts
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