Process: Create price-override limit






To create a price-override limit to set the limits for Customer Service Representatives



Customer service representatives (CSRs) can negotiate product prices and shipping charges with customers, if necessary, to complete a transaction. A price-override limit is the set of limits that constrain the discounts a CSR may offer to a customer. CSRs override product prices by specifying the price agreed upon by both the customer and the CSR. Shipping charges can be overridden by either specifying a percentage discount, or by specifying a fixed cost. Both of these methods apply to individual shipping modes. This means that a CSR could offer a 10% discount on overnight shipping, and also a fixed $10 charge for all ground shipping. A customer could then decide on which method to use, or whether to split the order.

For pricing, each CSR group has an authorized range, defined by the customer's entitled price as the upper bound, and a group-specific floor price. The customer's entitled price is the initial price offered to the customer. The floor price for a CSR group is determined by the administrator, and is a percentage markup from the product's nominal cost. A nominal cost is a monetary amount which represents the cost of a single unit of that catalog entry. There is at most one nominal cost for each catalog entry in a catalog. The collection of nominal costs are stored in a nominal cost price list. The nominal cost list, created and maintained by a store developer, is stored in WebSphere Commerce as if it were a standard price list, but it is only accessible in it's distinct role as the basis for price override limits.

If a CSR tries to offer a price or shipping charge that exceeds their group limit, the system blocks the order, and sends notification to the appropriate person for approval.

Negotiated prices and shipping charges are only applicable to the current order. Repeat customers do not automatically receive the discounted price or shipping charge, and if an order is copied to create a new order, the negotiated price or shipping charge is not copied at the same time, though it could be re-applied.

Sellers, Sales Managers, Category Managers, and Product Managers may create price-override limits.





Additional terms and conditions may be added to a price-override limit. Existing terms and conditions may be augmented to contain more data. In both cases, the commands defined in the store must also be customized with logic which looks at and respects the new or enhanced terms and conditions.






Task Description Role
Select base price-override limit

Select the applicable base price-override limit from which to share the price limits. A common set of limits can be defined in a base price-override limit. Multiple price-override limits for CSR groups can then share the common set of limits, but then modify any settings as necessary.

Select customer representative group

Select the customer representative groups that will respect this set of limits.

Set price-override limit details

Set price-override limit details such as:

  • name
  • description and remarks
Set price-override limit terms

Price-override limits can be set for pricing and shipping charges.

  • Pricing

CSRs override product prices by specifying the price agreed upon by both the customer and the CSR.

Each CSR group has an authorized range, defined by the customer's entitled price as the upper bound, and a group-specific floor price. The customer's entitled price is the initial price offered to the customer. The floor price for a CSR group is determined by the administrator, and is a percentage markup from the product's nominal cost. A nominal cost is a monetary amount which represents the cost of a single unit of that catalog entry. There is at most one nominal cost for each catalog entry in a catalog. The collection of nominal costs are stored in a nominal cost price list. The nominal cost list, created and maintained by a store developer, is stored in WebSphere Commerce as if it were a standard price list, but it is only accessible in it's distinct role as the basis for price override limits.

  • Shipping charges

Shipping charges can be overridden by either specifying a percentage discount, or by specifying a fixed cost. Both of these methods apply to individual shipping modes. This means that a CSR could offer a 10% discount on overnight shipping, and also a fixed $10 charge for all ground shipping. A customer could then decide on which method to use, or whether to split the order.

Submit price-override limit

Submit a price-override limit for deployment when the price-override limit modifications have been completed.



Business artifacts
