Process: Create bid control rules
To create bid control rules.
Bid rules determine how bidding is allowed to proceed for Open Cry and Sealed Bid auctions.
A bid rule may have the following:
- Name.
- Description.
- Associated auction type.
- Minimum bid value.
- Minimum bid quantity.
- For Open Cry auctions, a minimum bid increment within specified price ranges.
Seller can create a new bid control rule, modify or delete existing bid control rules.
- Create bid control rules to be used for creating new auctions .
Professional, Enterprise, Express
Task Description Role Specify auction type Specify the types of auction such as Open Cry auctions, Sealed Bid auctions, and Dutch auctions (Dutch auction type cannot be specified in bid control rule).
Seller Specify bid control rule detail Specify detail of the bid control rule such as name, description, associated auction type, minimum bid value and minimum bid quantity, minimum bid increment within specified price ranges (for Open Cry auctions).
Seller Submit bid control rule creation Submit bid rules determine how bidding is allowed to proceed for Open Cry and Sealed Bid auctions.
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