Process: Approve order
Approve an order requiring approval, thereby making it available to be processed by the system.
This process has as input an order requiring approval by the Buyer Approver, who is usually a member of the Buyer organization. The Buyer Approver is notified that there is an order to approve. The Buyer Approver can approve, reject, and cancel the order. The system will respond according to the choice.
Orders that require approval contain order items have contract approval terms and conditions (TC) and the order total exceeds the amount specified in the terms and conditions of the contract.
Order approval
- Different approval flows; for example, multiple levels of approval
- Different reasons for approval; for example, certain types of Buyers or orders containing specific order items require approval
Professional, Enterprise
Task Description Role Approve order Approve an order requiring approval. This is a task that will result in an order being approved, rejected, canceled, or not changed. In the latter case, the order will remain as an order requiring approval.
Buyer approver Cancel order Update the order state to canceled (X).
Buyer approver Examine order Examine the order requiring action by the Buyer Approver.
Buyer approver Notify Buyer Approver Notify the buyer approver for whom there is an order requiring their approval.
System Reject order Reject the order requiring action by the Buyer Approver.
Buyer approver
Business artifacts
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