Process: Approve RFQ response
To approve an RFQ response.
If approvals are required for the RFQ response process, responses will be reviewed and approved prior to transmittal to the buyer.
If the response is rejected during the approval process, the seller can cancel the response or change the response back to "draft" state, and modifications can be made to the response.
- Approvers can approve response. The approved response will be in "active" state.
- Approvers can reject response. The rejected response can be cancelled or revert back to "draft" state for modification.
Task Description Role Approve RFQ response Approve the pending RFQ response.
Sales Manager Reject RFQ response Reject the pending RFQ response.
Sales Manager Review approval pending response Review the pending response for approval.
Sales Manager
Business artifacts
- Active RFQ response
- Approval pending RFQ response
- Approval required notification
- Rejected RFQ response
- RFQ response submitted notification
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