Process: Add product to requisition list
To allow a registered customer to save frequently purchased product lists for future use.
Registered customers can save the products that they purchase often to a requisition list. For example, they may have a set of products that they order regularly. By putting these products into a requisition list, they can create a new order directly from the requisition list each time they need to place it, without having to find each product in the catalog.
- The customer can add the products from the requisition list to a shopping cart.
- The requisition list can specify a specific quantity of each product.
- The requisition list can be used multiple times. This will create multiple orders
- The requisition list can be private, or shared among all users in an organization.
Task Description Role Add product to requisition list A registered customer adds a product into a requisition list.
Registered Customer Create new requisition list From the Requisition List screen, a customer creates a new requisition list by clicking on the Create Requisition List button.
Registered Customer Select current order A customer views the current order.
Registered Customer Select requisition list A customer selects an existing requisition list that they would like to modify.
Registered Customer Specify sku(s) A customer can add one or more items to a requisition list. To add items the customer specifies the SKU.
Registered Customer
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