Add a suffix to IBM i5/OS directory services

  1. On the i5/OS machine, ensure that IBM i5/OS Directory Services is running by issuing the following command from a command line:


    IBM i5/OS Directory Services is running if the QDIRSRV job is running under the QDIRSRV user profile. If IBM i5/OS Directory Services is not running, start it according to the instructions provided by the product documentation.

  2. Start the iSeries Navigator on your Windows machine by selecting Start > Programs > IBM iSeries Access for Windows > iSeries Navigator.

  3. Create a connection to your target i5/OS machine if one does not already exist.

  4. Expand the target machine.

  5. Expand Network > Servers.

  6. Select TCP/IP and right-click Directory. Select Properties from the menu.

  7. In the Directory Properties window, select the Database/Suffixes tab.

  8. In the New Suffixes field, specify o=root organization and click Add.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Restart IBM i5/OS Directory Services.


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