Migrate the Web server tier

After successfully migrating the database and application tiers, proceed to migrate the Web server tier.

Before you migrate the Web server ensure that you have completed the following tasks:

  1. Migrated the WebSphere Commerce database

  2. Migrated the WebSphere Commerce application

To migrate the Web server tier using the WCIM utility, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

  2. Type the following WCIM command to migrate the Web server:

    • AIX|I5/OS|Linux|Solaris|
      ./wcim.sh -component ws -action config -from previous_version -instanceName instance

    • Windows:
      wcim.bat -component ws -action config -from previous_version -instanceName instance
      Where instance is the WebSphere Commerce v6 instance name.

  3. If you are using a remote Web server reconfigure the Web server after Web server tier migration using WCIM. For more information about configuring your Web server, see "Mandatory post instance creation tasks" in the WebSphere Commerce Installation Guide.


Related Concepts

Migrate from a previous version of WebSphere Commerce


Related tasks

Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database
Migrate the WebSphere Commerce application