Run scripts for database migration

If completing database migration with the command line, ensure you use the proper user.


(DB2) Run all scripts associated with database migration from a DB2 command window. To open a DB2 command window, type the following on a command line


AIX|Linux|Solaris|Run all scripts associated with database migration under the same user ID that you use to start the WebSphere Commerce application server. IBM recommends that you use a non-root user (for example, wasuser). You can switch to the wasuser as follows

su - wasuser

(DB2) If you use the DB2 administration user ID (db2admin) to run the database migration script, grant this user ID read and write access to certain files and directories such as the instance.xml file, and the WC_installdir/logs directory.


Related tasks

Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database using the migration script
Migrate the development environment database