Migrate the development environment database
Steps must be completed before beginning to migrate your WebSphere Commerce development environment database. Review this information for additional tasks and instructions on migrating the database.
It is strongly recommended to use the WebSphere Commerce Migration wizard for migration to reduce the probability of errors. Migration steps for the Migration wizard can be found in "Migrating the database", in "Migrating WebSphere Commerce Developer", in the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide.
Before your run the database migration script, complete the following database premigration tasks:
- Check the unique index in the MSGTYPES table.
The MSGTYPE_ID and NAME column are new for the MSGTYPES table. The MSGTYPE_ID column is a primary key and the NAME column is a unique index. If you have created your own message types, ensure that they do not conflict with the new ones. If they do, you can modify the MSGTYPE_ID value by adding 10,000 to the numbers or modify the NAME value. You must recompile your commands that reference the custom message types. Otherwise, you may encounter problems when migrating your data from your previous WebSphere Commerce version.
- See the section "Reconfiguring the development environment database" in the "Premigration Steps" chapter in the WebSphere Commerce Migration Guide.
- Run the updatedb2configration.bat script.
To migrate the WebSphere Commerce development environment database, run the migratedb script. See Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database using the migration script for more information.
- Go to directory WCDE_installdir\bin.
- Run the database migration script by typing:
migratedb.bat -dbtype cloudscape -dbname WCDE_installdir\dbname [-dbuser dbuser -dbpass dbuserpw] -from previous_version -instanceName instanceWhere:
- dname
- The name of the WebSphere Commerce development environment database that you are migrating for example, mall.
- previous_version
- The version of WebSphere Commerce you are migrating from for example, 55, 56, or 561.
The database password parameter (-dbpass dbuserpw or -dbpass oraclepw) does not have to be entered on the command line. If you do not supply it on the command line, the migration script will prompt you to enter it in.
- Check the migratedb5x_yyyy.mm.dd_hh.mm.ss.log file in the WCDE_installdir\logs\WCIM\ instance directory (assuming you are using the defaults) for additional messages or errors. Resolve any errors that are flagged before proceeding. To check the log files, complete the following steps:
- Access the log file by typing the following path:
- I5/OS|WC60_userdir/logs/WCIM/instance/migratedbxx._yyyy.mm.dd_hh.mm.ss.log
- Linux|WC_installdir/logs\WCIM\instance/migratedbxx_yyyy.mm.dd_hh.mm.ss.log
- Windows: WC_installdir\logs\WCIM\instance\migratedbxx_yyyy.mm.dd_hh.mm.ss.log
Where xx is either 55, 56, or 561.
- Review warnings generated by the database tier migration script and determine if any actions are needed based on those warnings. The actions can be found within the warning. The following list shows the type of warnings to review
Info : select N.storeent_id, N.interfacename, N.classname, N.properties, O.classname, O.properties from cmdreg_new N, cmdreg O where N.storeent_id = O.storeent_id and N.interfacename = O.interfacename and (N.classname != O.classname or N.properties != O.properties) [2006.01.06 15:57:55] Warning: The bootstrap data has changed. Consider replacing data in table cmdreg with data in cmdreg_new [2006.01.06 15:57:55] Warning: The row in the cmdreg_new: storeent_id = 0, interfacename = 0,classname = com.ibm.commerce.usermanagement.commands.UserRegistrationAddCmd, properties = com.ibm.commerce.usermanagement.commands.UserRegistrationAddUBFCmdImpl [2006.01.06 15:57:55] Warning: The row in the cmdreg : storeent_id = 0, interfacename = 0,classname = null, properties = com.ibm.commerce.usermanagement.commands.UserRegistrationAddCmdImpl [2006.01.06 15:57:55] Warning: The row in the cmdreg_new: storeent_id = 0, interfacename = 0, classname = com.ibm.commerce.order.calculation.ApplyShippingCmd, properties = com.ibm.commerce.order.calculation.ApplyShippingCmdImpl [2006.01.06 15:57:55] Warning: The row in the cmdreg : storeent_id = 0, interfacename = 0,classname = null, properties = com.ibm.commerce.order.calculation.PromotionEngineApplyShippingCmdImpl
- Migrate the development environment application. In WebSphere Commerce Developer v6, only the custom projects need to be migrated. For more information, refer to the section, " Migrating the custom assets", in theWebSphere Commerce Migration Guide.
Related Concepts
Migrate from a previous version of WebSphere Commerce