Define policies
There are many instances where it is necessary to define a new access group.
For example:
- You have created a new role. New policies are then necessary to grant users with this new role to run certain commands.
- You have created a new controller command and want to assign users with particular roles to access these commands.
The WC_installdir/xml/policies/xml/defaultAccessControlPolicies.xml file defines the default access control policies that are shipped out-of-the-box. It follows the DTD specified by: WC_installdir/xml/policies/dtd/accesscontrolpolicies.dtd.
The following is the template of a policy element:
<Policy Name=" value" OwnerId=" value" UserGroup=" value" UserGroupOwner=" value" ActionGroupName=" value" ResourceGroupName=" value" PolicyType=" value" RelationName=" value" RelationGroupName=" value" RelationGroupOwner=" value" </Policy>Where:
- Name
- The name of the policy. This is loaded into the POLICYNAME column of the ACPOLICY table. The Name and OwnerID together must be unique.
- OwnerID
- The member ID of the organizational entity that owns the policy. This will be loaded into the member_id column of the ACPOLICY table. The OwnerID and Name together must be unique. There are two special values that are recognized by the transformer tool, these are the RootOrganization: -2001, and DefaultOrganization: -2000
- UserGroup
- The name of the access group specified in the MBRGRPNAME column of the MBRGRP table. This is loaded into the mbrgrp_id column of the ACPOLICY table. The default access groups are defined in the WC_installdir/xml/policies/xml/ACUserGroups_language.xml file.
- UserGroupOwner
- The member ID of the member that owns the Access Group. This is needed when the access group is owned by a member other than the policy owner. If this is not specified, it is assumed that the access group is owned by the member that is specified by the OwnerID attribute.
- ActionGroupName
- The name of the action group specified in GROUPNAME column of ACACTGRP table. It is used to get the corresponding action group ID (ACACTGRP_ID) that will be stored in the ACPOLICY table. Role-based policies for controller commands have ActionGroupName set to ExecuteCommandActionGroup. Policies for databeans have ActionGroupName set to DisplayDatabeanActionGroup.
- ResourceGroupName
- The name of the Resource Group, specified in the GRPNAME column of the ACRESGRP table. It is used to get the corresponding
resource group ID (ACRESGRP_ID) that is stored in the ACPOLICY table. Role-based policies for views have ResoureGroupName set to ViewCommandResourceGroup.- PolicyType
- The type of policy. Valid values are groupableStandard and groupableTemplate. For backward compatibility, the values standard and template are also supported. If this attribute is unspecified when loading a new policy, the value null will be used. If this attribute is unspecified when updating an existing policy, the value will remain unchanged. The following table displays the mapping of string values to database values stored in the POLICYTYPE column of ACPOLICY table.
Mapping of string values to database values
String ACPOLICY.POLICYTYPE groupableTemplate 3 groupableStandard 2 template 1 standard 0 or null
Policy examples
Role-based policies
For controller commands
In this example, users belonging to the AllUsers access group can execute controller commands that are part of the AllUserCmdResourceGroup resource group.
<Policy Name="AllUsersExceuteAllUserCmdResourceGroup" OwnerID="RootOrganization" UserGroup="AllUsers" ActionGroupName="ExecuteCommandActionGroup" ResourceGroupName="AllUserCmdResourceGroup" PolicyType="groupableStandard"> </Policy>
For views
In this example, users belonging to the MarketingManagers access group can execute the views belonging to MarketingManagersViews action group.
<Policy Name="MarketingManagersExecuteMarketingManagersViews" OwnerID="RootOrganization" UserGroup="MarketingManagers" ActionGroupName="MarketingManagersViews" ResourceGroupName="ViewCommandResourceGroup" PolicyType="groupableStandard"> </Policy>
Resource-level policies
For commands
In this example, users belonging to AllUsers access group can perform the actions specified by the CouponRedemption action group on resources specified by the CouponWalletResourceGroup, as long as the users fulfill the creator relationship with respect to the resource.
<Policy Name="AllUsersExecuteCouponRedemptionCommandsOnCouponWalletResource" OwnerID="RootOrganization" UserGroup="AllUsers" ActionGroupName="CouponRedemption" ResourceGroupName="CouponWalletResourceGroup" RelationName="creator" PolicyType="groupableStandard"> </Policy>
For data beans
In this example, users belonging to the AllUsers access group can Display data beans specified by the UserDatabeanResourceGroup resource group, as long as the users fulfill the owner relationship with respect to the resource.
<Policy Name="AllUsersDisplayUserDatabeanResourceGroup" OwnerID="RootOrganization" UserGroup="AllUsers" ActionGroupName="DisplayDatabeanActionGroup" ResourceGroupName="UserDatabeanResourceGroup" RelationName="owner" PolicyType="groupableStandard"> </Policy>
Groupable template policies
In this example, users belonging to the OrgAdminConsoleMembershipAdministratorsForOrg access group, can perform the actions specified by the ApproveGroupUpdate action group on resources specified by the OrganizationDataResourceGroup.
<Policy Name="OrgAdminConsoleMembershipAdministratorsForOrgExecuteApprove GroupUpdateCommandsOnOrganizationResource" OwnerID="RootOrganization" UserGroup="OrgAdminConsoleMembershipAdministratorsForOrg" ActionGroupName="ApproveGroupUpdate" ResourceGroupName="OrganizationDataResourceGroup" PolicyType="groupableTemplate"> </Policy>
Examining the definition of the OrgAdminConsoleMembershipAdministratorsForOrg access group would reveal the following condition for membership:
<UserCondition> <profile> <orListCondition> <simpleCondition> <variable name="role"/> <operator name="="/> <value data="Buyer Administrator"/> <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/> </simpleCondition> <simpleCondition> <variable name="role"/> <operator name="="/> <value data="Seller Administrator"/> <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/> </simpleCondition> <simpleCondition> <variable name="role"/> <operator name="="/> <value data="Channel Manager"/> <qualifier name="org" data="OrgAndAncestorOrgs"/> </simpleCondition> </orListCondition> </profile> UserCondition>
The simpleCondition of role is qualified by org = OrgAndAncestorOrgs . OrgAndAncestorOrgs is a keyword that is only available in groupable template policies. It dynamically scopes the role to the context of the current resource's owner. In this example, the user must have one of the specified roles in the organization that owns the resource, or any of the organization's ancestors.
Defining policy groups
Policy groups are created to group policies, based on business and access control requirements. Some default policy groups are created out of the box; for more information see, . Other policy groups are created, as needed, while publishing a store or a business model. In most cases you can simply add any new policies you create to existing policy groups. If you need to create a new policy group, you should define it in an XML file, similar to defaultAccessControlPolicies.xml, and then load it to the database. Here is a sample definition:
<PolicyGroup Name="aValue" OwnerID="aValue"> </PolicyGroup>
Associating policies with policy groups
Policies can belong to multiple policy groups. However, to ease administration of policies, IBM recommends that a policy belong to only one policy group. This association should be defined in an XML file, similar to defaultAccessControlPolicies.xml, and then loaded to the database. Here is a sample definition:
<PolicyGroup Name="aValue" OwnerID="aValue"> <PolicyGroupPolicy Name="aValue" PolicyOwnerID="aValue" /> </PolicyGroup>
Subscribing to policy groups
The resources of an organization are protected by the policies in the policy groups to which that organization subscribes. If that organization does not subscribe to any policy groups, then the policy groups to which that organization's closest ancestor subscribes will apply.
Policy group subscription can be done in the Organization Administration Console, but can also be defined in an XML file, similar to defaultAccessControlPolicies.xml, and then loaded to the database. Here is a sample definition:
<PolicyGroup Name="aValue" OwnerID="aValue"> <PolicyGroupSubscription OrganizationID="aValue"/> </PolicyGroup>
Translatable policy data
The following is a template of a customized policy file that can be used to define translatable policy data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?> <!--The following TRANSLATABLE access control elements should be defined in this file: <Attribute_nls> <Action_nls> <Relation_nls> <ResourceCategory_nls> <ActionGroup_nls> <ResourceGroup_nls> <Policy_nls> <PolicyGroup_nls>--> <!DOCTYPE PoliciesNLS SYSTEM "../dtd/accesscontrolpoliciesnls.dtd"> <PoliciesNLS LanguageID=" value"> <!--Insert access control element definitions here --> </PoliciesNLS>
The LanguageID attribute is a string corresponding to the language of the locale-specific data. Valid values of the LanguageID are:
Non-translatable policy data
The following is a template of a customized policy file containing non-translatable data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no" ?> <!DOCTYPE Policies SYSTEM "../dtd/accesscontrolpolicies.dtd"> <!--The following NON-TRANSLATABLE access control elements should be defined in this file: <Attribute> <Action> <ResourceCategory> <Relation> <RelationGroup> <ActionGroup> <ResourceGroup> <Policy> <PolicyGroup>--> <Policies> <!--Insert access control element definitions here--> </Policies>
Locale-specific data
The following optional locale-specific data can be loaded to give additional description to the access control elements already defined in the non-translatable XML file. The default locale-specific data can be found at the following address:
WC_installdir\xml\policies\xml\defaultAccessControlPolicies_ locale.xml
For example, defaultAccessControlPolicies_en_US.xml.
The following example defines additional attribute element information:
<Atrribute_nls AttributeName="Status" DisplayName_nls="Status attribute" Description_nls="Resource status attribute" />
The following example defines additional action element information:
<Action_nls ActionName="OrderAdjustmentButton" DisplayName_nls="Order Adjustment Button View" Description_nls="The view for loading buttons in the order adjustment page when placing an order from Commerce Acclerator" />
The following example defines additional relation element information:
<Relation_nls RelationName="creator" DisplayName_nls="creator" Description_nls="creator" />
Resource Category
The following example defines additional resource category information:
<ResourceCategory_nls ResourceCategoryName=" catalog.objects."InterestItemList" DisplayName_nls="Interest Item List" Description_nls="Interest Item List command" />
Action Group
The following example defines additional
action group information:
<ActionGroup_nls ActionGroupName="DoEverything" DisplayName_nls="Do Everything" Description_nls="Permits access to all Actions" />
Resource Group
The following example defines additional
resource group information:
<ResourceGroup_nls ResourceGroupName="AllResourceGroup" DisplayName_nls="All Resources Group" Description_nls="All Resources" />
The following example defines additional policy information:
<Policy_nls PolicyName="SiteAdministratorsCanDoEverything" OwnerID="RootOrganization" DisplayName_nls="Site Administrators Can Do Everything" Description_nls="Policy that allows Site Administrators to do everything" />
Policy group
The following example defines additional policy group information:
<PolicyGroup_nls PolicyGroupName="B2CPolicyGroup" OwnerID="RootOrganization" DisplayName_nls="B2C Policy Group" Description_nls="This policy group contains all the B2C specific policies." />