Data migration plan file
Prior to migrating your database, review this information if you have altered column lengths in your previous version of WebSphere Commerce.
The behavior of the data migration script is controlled by the following data migration execution plan file:
WC_installdir/schema/migration/config/DataMigrationPlan xx.xml
- Windows: WC_installdir\schema\migration\config\DataMigrationPlan xx.xml
where: xx
is either 55, 56, or 561.
This file controls the sequence of execution of various SQL files, in addition to other activities. It provides fine-grain control over how the migration should proceed. The following examples highlight the usefulness of this approach:
- Some of the column lengths have decreased in the WebSphere Commerce Version 6.0 schema when compared to the column lengths in previous WebSphere Commerce versions. If you have data that occupies more space than allowed by the column length in WebSphere Commerce v6, the data migration from the previous WebSphere Commerce version schema to the WebSphere Commerce v6 schema will fail. It is highly recommended that you evaluate your need to have larger column length, in order to remain with the standard WebSphere Commerce Version 6.0 schema. If have the same column length as defined in the previous WebSphere Commerce version schema, change the behavior of one of the SQL files referenced in this configuration file. Both the standard output and the migration log file specifies the command it is currently running; for example, this corresponds to the dataMigrationCommand or command XML tag as mentioned in this plan file. If the data migration discussed fails, notice that it was executing the file in the following directory:
- Windows: WC_installdir\schema\migration\xx\database_type
- database_type is:
- I5/OS|db2\os400 for DB2 on iSeries databases
- AIX|Linux|Solaris|I5/OS|db2 for DB2 databases
- AIX|Solaris|Windows:
oracle for Oracle databases
- xx is either 55, 56, or 561.
You can edit this SQL script file to reapply the same setting as your previous WebSphere Commerce version.
- The other benefit of this execution behavior is that once you know that a given step is taking a long time to complete, you can examine the corresponding SQL statements and tune your database. For example, if you are running out of buffer pool or log file space, you can locate the exact table of your database causing this behavior and tune your database accordingly.
Related concepts
Migrate from a previous version of WebSphere Commerce
Related tasks
Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database
Migrate the development environment database
Migrate the WebSphere Commerce database using the migration script