Troubleshoot: Returning to use a non-root user to run WebSphere Commerce

Depending on security requirements, you might have set up WebSphere Commerce to run using the root user. To return to using a non-root user, steps need to be completed.



The level of security in your WebSphere Commerce environment, might have invoked changes for the user that is used for the stop and start tasks. Completing the steps, as outlined in Use a root user to run WebSphere Commerce have set the root user to be the user to run the stop and start tasks. Returning the WebSphere Commerce environment back to using the non-root user can be done

To return WebSphere Commerce using the non-root user, complete these steps:

  1. Stop all the WebSphere Commerce servers. This includes the Help server and Configuration Manager server.

  2. Run the following command using the root user:

  3. Complete the following tasks:

    1. Navigate to the WAS_installdir/profiles directory.

    2. Run the command:

      • chown -R non-root_User:non-root_Group profile


      • non-root_User is the non-root user name

      • non-root_Group is the group that the non-root user belongs to

      • profile is the WebSphere Commerce profile

  4. Open the file:

    Change CMSTARTUP_USER value from the root user to the non-root user.

  5. Save the change and close the file.

  6. Switch to the non-root user.

  7. Start all the required WebSphere Commerce servers.