Troubleshoot: Using a root user to run WebSphere Commerce

Depending on security requirements for your WebSphere Commerce environment, you might be required to run WebSphere Commerce with a root user.



Normally, the non-root user is used to complete WebSphere Commerce start and stop functions. If you introduce security changes to your environment, it might be necessary to use the root user for start and stop functions.



Running WebSphere Commerce with the root user can cause security problems, ownership changes and access permissions changes. Ensure a thorough analysis of the WebSphere Commerce environment is completed before invoking this change of users.

To run WebSphere Commerce using the root user, complete these steps:

  1. Depending on the type of database you are using, complete one of these tasks:

    • (DB2) Ensure the root user's .profile file calls the WebSphere Commerce database user's .profile file. The following line should appear in the root user's .profile file:

      • DB2_users_dir/.profile

      where DB2_users_dir is the full path of the home directory of the DB2 Universal Database user.

      Ensure this file does not contain any statements that would fail to run in the Bourne shell.

    • (Oracle) Ensure the root user's .profile file calls the Oracle installation owner's .profile file. The following line should appear in the root user's .profile file:

      • Oracle_home_dir/.profile

      where Oracle_home_dir is the home directory of the Oracle installation owner.

      Ensure this file does not contain any statements that would fail to run in the Bourne shell.

  2. Open the file:

    Change CMSTARTUP_USER value from the non-root user to the root user.

  3. Save the change and close the file.