Troubleshoot: The removeNode command returns an out of memory error

The removeNode command returns a node from a network deployment cell to a stand-alone application server.



When executing the removeNode command, an out of memory error is encountered.



If this error occurs:

  1. AIX|Linux|Solaris|Ensure that the command is not running.

  2. Windows:

    Ensure that the removeNode.bat command is not running.

  3. AIX|Linux|Solaris|Log on as root.

  4. Open the following file in a text editor:

  5. In the text file, find the following line of text:

    • AIX|Linux|Solaris|"$JAVA_HOME"/bin/java \

    • Windows:

      "$JAVA_HOME"\bin\java \

  6. Insert the following line of text below the "$JAVA_HOME"/bin/java \ line of text
    max_allowedm \

    Where max_allowed is the maximum value allowable by your operating system. This value must a multiple of 1024. Append the letter k or K to indicate kilobytes, or m or M to indicate megabytes.

  7. Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  8. Windows:

    Log on to the WAS Network Deployment Administration Console.

  9. Windows:

    Expand System Administration > Deployment Manager > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.

  10. Windows:

    Change the Maximum Heap Size value to the maximum value supported by your operating system.

    You can reduce this number once you have completed the removeNode process.

  11. Windows:

    Restart the Deployment Manager.

  12. Run the removeNode command again. If the command runs successfully, no further action is needed. If the command fails...

    1. Restore the configuration backup you made when removing the node of by issuing one of the following commands:

      where backup_file is the full path to the backup file.

    2. Run the removeNode command again.

Related Reference

Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce installation issues

Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce configuration issues

Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce general issues

Troubleshoot: WAS issues