Troubleshoot: Problems starting a Sun Java System Web server after creating or modifying an instance
If you create or modify a WebSphere Commerce instance that uses a Sun Java System Web server, review this information.
If you are using the Sun Java System Web server, you might encounter problems when starting the Web server process after a WebSphere Commerce instance has been created or modified.
If you use the Sun Java System Web server, you might encounter errors when starting the Web server process after a WebSphere Commerce instance has been created. This problem can also occur if you reconfigure the Web server for an existing WebSphere Commerce instance via the Configuration Manager. The Web server fails with the following message:
config: CORE3185: Invalid configuration: File Sunweb_installdir/https- host_name/ config/identifier.obj.conf: CORE3234: Error opening file identifier.obj.conf (No access rights) catastrophe: CORE3260: Server crash detected (signal SIGSEGV)If this problem occurs, change ownership of the specific files and directories so that the Sun Java System Web server can be started successfully. Ensure that the Web server user has sufficient privileges to access the following files:
Sunweb_installdir/https-admserv/config/ Sunweb_installdir/https-admserv/config/magnus.conf Sunweb_installdir/https- host_name/config/ Sunweb_installdir/https- host_name/config/magnus.conf Sunweb_installdir/https- host_name/config/identifier.obj.confThere will be one obj.conf for each WebSphere Commerce Web server port defined.
The variables are defined as follows:
- Sunweb_installdir
- This is the installation directory for Sun Java System Web Server. The default installation directory for Sun Java System Web Server is /opt/SUNWwbsvr/.
- host_name
- This is the host name (not fully qualified) of the Web server.
- identifier
- This is the part of the obj.conf file name used to identify the various configurations for the virtual servers associated with the Web server.
Related Reference
Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce installation issues
Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce configuration issues