Lock forum topics
Lock a forum topic to prevent users from editing the topic or posting responses to it.
You must be the Forums administrator or the forum owner to lock or unlock a topic in a stand-alone forum. To lock or unlock a topic in a community forum, we must be a community owner or the Forums administrator.
To not lock an entire forum, we can lock forum content at topic level. For example, you might lock a forum topic when we consider the topic discussion to be complete. When you lock a forum topic, users can still view the topic but they cannot post responses to it or update existing content.
As the forum owner, we can still edit a locked topic, and post replies to it even though the topic remains locked for everyone else. For example, if a topic contains inappropriate content, we can lock the topic, and then delete or edit replies without having to reopen the topic.
To lock a forum topic:
- Open the topic to lock.
- Click Lock Topic.
The topic is marked as locked in the user interface to advise users they can no longer contribute to the discussion.
What to do next
If we must unlock the topic at a later stage, we can do so by opening the topic, and clicking Unlock Topic.
Parent topic:
Lock forums and forum topics
Lock forums to prevent users from adding topics or responses